some poeple tell me all thet´s lies /
to the day from i was born to i die /
what is the true about me and you /
what can i do , we are just like the animal at the zue /
how can i trust i you , fuck this world /
it looke lika our first word –> mam how can i bang this girl /
sick growing up , my had looke like monkeys withe 2 faces /
i will slap you , fuck your card i have 4 aces /
know i will kill , shoot , stap your father /
Fuck your mam and suck your brother /
some time i think we all wasted our live´s /
to day get´s longer ,the years was frosen like vanilla ice /
i need more action , re-battle race on and i can touch Ya /
fire off , action first bitch and then will i Fuck ya /
poeple do not see me , peple are scared they think i am crazy /
some time it is nice , but i don´t want to be like the old milf lady /
what could i do make few changes /
go home be waisted play holy shit Games /
draw pictures and be gay go to school every singel Day /
sell dope for my pay see me live go slowly away /
the world is growing the world is getting danger like our age /
maby it is our faith maby we are crazy thet´s great /

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