Sage francis var að skrifa undir 3 plötu samning við pönk-labelið Epitaph og er hann fyrsti hiphop artistinn sem þeir semja við. Nýlega kom út safnplatan Punk-O-rama og var lagið Makeshift Patriot á þeirri plötu ásamt einu lagi með Slug en ekki er vitað hvort þeir séu á eftir honum líka.
Non-Prophets platan HOPE verður þó ekki gefin út undir Epitaph, en hún á að koma út í haust.

Þetta hafði Sage að segja um málið :

“Epitaph was recognizing underground hiphop for its recent burst in DIY artists.
The President, Andy, got his hands on my Personal Journals album (Epitaph uses the same distributor.) He liked it. Then he came to see me when I performed in LA, and that made him more interested in what I do as an artist and how I deal with people. He called me the next day and let me know that Epitaph is interested in working something out with me. I was familiar with the name Epitaph because my friends are huge Bad Religion fans…and I had recently bought a bunch of punk albums myself. Up until this point, I had done nothing short of ducked and deflected the approach of major labels. It usually always felt so false. There are many reasons why I was receptive to Epitaph's interest in me though. It felt like they had a genuine respect for me and my music, and I had the same respect in return. All I have been hearing is good things about how they treat their artists and staff. They asked to put Makeshift Patriot on their Punkorama compilation CD and I was excited about it, considering I own a good amount of those.
Andy flew out to another show of mine in Pittsburgh during the Live Band, Dead Poet Tour and talked more seriously with me. This is when I hired a lawyer and the contracts started getting passed back and forth. My lawyer was impressed with how willing they were to accommodate my requests. I mean…I have strong independent roots…and they are respecting that aspect of my music. They are not trying to take away my ability to do things the way I like to do them, in regard to Strange Famous Records and the Non-Prophets projects.
Sage Francis signed to Epitaph Records. Haha…I couldn't have guessed it in a million years, but at the same time…it makes more sense than signing to a hiphop label gunning for the next Eminem/50 Cent. My next solo album is going to be a logical progression from both Personal Journals and HOPE. The fan base and the hate base are both going to expand dramatically. Music is my future and it feels the way I thought it would…natural. The pressure is on but if my past is any indication of the future, then I am going to fuck this pressure in its face with my gentle green giant. It might take a year.”