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I live a hard life. /
I cant go to sleep because of kids, /
throwing stones to my window at the night's. /
When I turn on the lights, they keep on going until I wake up my mom. /
Next time when it happend, I had my dads shootgun under the bed, /
and when the kids came I hit one of them in the leg. /
His name was ted. /
one time I invited a girl to a party /
I waited for her but she never showed up. /
so I went there all alone and i was standing in the lobby, /
They sad you had to bring your girl, /
or you have to get on the stage /
I sad i will take one rhyme and it was about crime. /
and it dint take long time /
but it wasent that good and they laughed and pointed at me. /
so I probly had to get home, but they leaved me alone /
until the Big fat guy came along and he kicked me in the stomic. /
Then he puched me in the chair and turned on a lazy rapp song, /
so I knew that, this night was going to be long. /
Then it was done i was sad, /
so when I came home with tear in my eyes, /
then my mom came and asked: “ Why are You crying ? ” /

2x viðlag.
I cry because of the kids that pursue me continously, /
because of that, I live in dark with alot fear. /
Psychology is when I get up with them, if not im lonly, /
but when they break there promise, I alwis disappear. /

I hate walking to school because of kids cant leave me alone. /
One time the almost broke my bone, /
with pushing me on the play ground and I feld on a stone. /
I just wanna say thanks, to him who helped me standing upp from the seat /
but I hope he wasent a gay, other way's it okey. /
I cant go any where, because the kids will be there. /
I went to the town with my mom to buy clothes, /
next day I went to school and it was athlectics time. /
and the kids throwed me in the shower and hide my new clothes. /
when I found them I wasent that happy but never told mom what happand. /
Now I started writing an rhyme, /
I thought it was an new interest, So I wrote about my life /
when i got on stage with my own song. I thougt it was good. /
but the kids throwed me off and started there own shit. /
and I walked away with an tear in my eye, /
then somebody came and asked: “ why are you crying? ”

2x viðlag.
I cry because of the kids that pursue me continously, /
because of that, I live in dark with alot fear. /
Psychology is when I get up with them, if not im lonly, /
but when they break there promise, I alwis get disappear. /

If I would be falling, /
Would you give me and helping hand and try to save my life? /
Dont think so, because you only think about you self. /
thats why my life is horrible. /
if I would fall and hurt my self would you help me?, /
dont think so eather, you would probly think im just a looser. /
because of other kids think's im not toutchable. /
I had many problems with getting friends, /
because of I coulden't take a care of the talk /
so it turn out to be just the ending.
So I moved to another country /
I thought I would get another opportunity. /
But now its the big city called live in a big lie, /
because no one is almost tie. /
But this is double worse, /
anyway these kids give's me strong punch, /
they are rich an get alot of foot in lunch, /
with lot of protein and stuffs to grow bigger. /
It is pointless, and it is shame to be called dickhead, /
but would you leave if I would tell you my name? /
last time when I told them, i got kick in the stomic, /
and when it let me handle the the mic, /
the police comes tell me to get a fuck away frome the homie. /
if they would say, that they would pursue me in continously /
i would run away to until i get answer of the girl what put my life in fuckt. /
Now im sitting at the hostpital and helping the old peaple thats lonly, /
and i want to get paid for telling them this: /

1x viðlag.
I cried because of the kids that pursued me continously, /
because of that, I lived in dark with alot fear. /
Psychology is when I got up with them, if not i was lonly, /
and when they broke there promises, I alwis disappear. /

he lived in a big world, with no time to thing about the signs in his life. /
only thing he wanted was a have a minute with somebody else then his fear, /
to try to get answer with his first qustion what he really asked about that wife. /
now i get more lonlier, because of he disney quited last year, /
and i never got phone call from somebody who wanted to give me a forgiveness./
poor these kids, they were all hearthless. /