Jæja…fór yfir diskasafn mitt til fimm ára og þetta var niðurstaðan…hvað vantar og hverju má ég henda?
Ath. Mest af þessu er keypt í Svíþjóð…


Ævisögur - Afkvæmi Guðanna
Bumsquad - Ýmsir
Bæjarins Bestu -//-
The Selected Works of the Faculty - The Faculty
Rímnamín - Ýmsir
Óreiða í Reykjarvík, Dizorder útgáfa - Ýmsir
DJ Ben-B - Massiveness vol. 3
Forgotten Lores - Týndi hlekkurinn
Skytturnar - Illgresi
Central Magnetizm - subta
Far - Chosen ground
Stormurinn á eftir logninu - Sesar A
Gerðuþaðsjálfur - Sesar A


Peoples instinctive travels and the paths of rythm - A tribe called quest
Reachin' a new refuation of time and space - Digeble Planets
Soal Assasins II - Ýmsir

Modern day city symphony - Loop Troop
The struggle Continues - Loop Troop
Goverment Music - Promoe
The botten is Nadd - Timbuktu
From the waxcabinet - LoopTroop (DL)
Banana republiken - Petter

The many faces of oliver Hart - Eyedea
New Born-Eyedea
Personal journals - Sage Francis
Still sick urine trouble - Sage Francis (DL)

Illmatic - Nas
Stillmatic - Nas

Shadows of the sun - Brother Ali
Seven Travels - Atmosphere

The Owners - Gang starr
Happy fuck you songs - Extended famm

Things fall apart - The Roots
Philly half life - The Roots

Deep Water Slang 2.0 - Zion 1 (DL)
Hope - Non Prophets

Labor Days - Aesop Rock
Bazooka Tooth - Aesop Rock

New future Development - Del the funky homosapien
The future is now - Non Phixion

The Black album - Jay Z
Rawkus Advance - Last Emperor

Sin´o´matic - Lois Logic
The godz must be crazy - The Demigodz

Hi-Teknology - Hi Tek
Quality - Talib Kweli
Black star - Talib Kweli og Mos Def

The end of the beginning - Murs
Murs rules the world - Murs
Make The music - Rahzel
Bizarre ride II the pharcyde - Pharcyde
The future is now - Non Phixion