Ég sendi inn grein fyrir um viku sem hefur líklegast ekki verið samþykkt sem grein og verið eytt í stað þess að birta sem kork, því sendi ég inn sem kork núna í von um að einhver getið aðstoðað.

Málið er að það er stúlka í Þýskalandi sem óskar eftir upplýsingum um hrossaræktun/hrossabúi þar sem hún gæti unnið/aðstoðað í nokkra mánuði, hér eru nokkrar upplýsingar sem hún sendi mér.

hi, my name is dorothea rohde from germany, and i am 21 years old. i'm very
interrested in riding iceland horses and hope to stay and help with the daily
work in iceland on a farm for about 5 month from the beginning of may till
the end of september.

I just made gymnastics on a horse since i was 13 years old.with 15 i started
riding on icelandic horses .i made several trainings since that time, all
with iceland horses.
during that time i had some horses i cared for till today. atm i work with
the horses of a friend of me that has 17 horses himself and help him to care
for them . i have not much experience in training the first steps with young
horses, but i'm very interrested in learning it.

i hope u have a place for me on your farm and look forward to take contact
with u. my e-mail is dorohde@yahoo.de. pls answer in english, because my
icelandic is not worthy to talk about.

hopefully hear of you in the near future,
dorothea rohde

Allar upplýsingar eru vel þegnar sem gætu aðstoðað hana, með fyrirfram þökk.