<a href="http://www.horsesanctuary.com/luckys_story.htm">http://www.horsesanctuary.com/luckys_story.htm</a>
<a href="http://www.horsesanctuary.com/lucky.htm">http://www.horsesanctuary.com/lucky.htm</a>
They found me lying in a stall,
Three years of prison in four dark walls.
Emaciated, dehydrated, reeking of fecal stench,
Wormy and hooves grown fourteen inches in length.
With mind and body willing,
Standing, my back touched the ceiling.
Mane and tail grown in the ground,
I couldn't really turn around.
With all hope and dreams about gone,
Two girls from the Humane Society came along.
With help they tore my prison apart,
When I saw the trailer, I was ready to depart.
By a vet and a farrier, I was greeted.
Wormed, teeth floated, feet trimmed as needed.
Feed, water and hay free choice,
Loved and cared for, I wanted to rejoice.
Now, seven months later, healthy and free.
My feet all grown out and don't hurt me.
The love and care of all these people will go untold,
But their rewards will be ten fold.
Að fólk skuli geta gert dýrum þetta :'(
Ég hreinlega missti allt álit á mannkyninu við að lesa þetta.
Sumt fólk ætti bara hreinlega að aflífa !!!