Ég gat ekki annað en brosað þegar ég rakst á eftirfarandi á heimasíðu um jól á Íslandi :)

You mustn´t forget the big christmas cat in Iceland! The christmas cat “Jólakötturinn” comes and eats you if you don´t get any new clothes before christmas!! ……. so you better buy some clothes! Or else you will end up in the belly of a giant cat!!! hehe

And on the 23rd of december “Þorláksmessa”. Icelanders eat boiled “skata”! An incredably bad smelling fish! Tastes alright though …… if you are use to eating it! ….. but the smell in your house doesn´t go away unless you boil the “hangikjöt” (the traditional Icelandic christmas-meal) right after! And that smell is much better!

Þetta var bara fyndið ;)
