Ef þú vilt koma á framfæri athugasemdum við Evrópska handknattleikssambandið, þá geturðu sent skrifstofu þess tölvupóst.

Netfangið er office@eurohandball.com og þú getur t.a.m. notað þennan enska texta hér að neðan:

Dear Sirs.
I want to make my voice heard in the matter of the performance of the Swiss referees in yesterdays' match of Iceland vs. France.

It was outrageous.

It was loaded with inconsistencies and outright blunders.

If you want to be taken seriously in the future, you will apologize for their performance.

Since this is the second time officials screw up at the end of Iceland's games, costing them victory, one asks if this is a coincidence.

Lastly, I would like to make the Icelandic coach's words mine, when he spoke of the referees on Icelandic following yesterday's match: “They are geeks.”


tekið af vísi.is http://www.visir.is/ifx/?MIval=sportid_btm&v=3&nr=112859&TF=

endilega sendu póst, annað hvort með þínum orðum eða með textanum hér að ofan.