Hefur einhver tékkað á þessu? Ætla að gera það um leið og ég eignast The Wizard of Oz.

Fyrir þá sem ekki nenna að lesa þá er þetta kenning um að Dark Side of the Moon sé byggð á The Wizard of Oz og mjög mikið af þessu stemmir.


Great Gig in the Sky

* The song starts as Dorthy leaves the fortune teller.
* Spoken : “I'm not frightend of dying, anytime will do, I don't mind” as Dorthy soon faces her near death experience.
* Notice how the camera angles change with the music.
* Notice how the singer sings as Dorthy panics.
* The singer slows down as the window hits Dorthy in the head.
* The song ends as Dorthy leaves the house.
* Why is it called the Great Gig in the Sky? Could it be that the house is in the sky?
* I always wondered why Clare Torry sung like that.

Ég veit ekki með þetta en ætla samt einhverntímann að tékka á þessu.
If writers wrote as carelessly as some people talk, then adhasdh asdglaseuyt[bn[ pasdlgkhasdfasdf.