Roger ‘Syd’ Barrett derived the name “Pink Floyd” juxtapositioning the first names of Pink Anderson and Floyd Council he had read about in a sleevenote by Paul Oliver for a 1962 Blind Boy Fuller LP (Philips BBL-7512): “Curley Weaver and Fred McMullen, (…) Pink Anderson or Floyd Council – these were a few amongst the many blues singers that were to be heard in the rolling hills of the Piedmont, or meandering with the streams through the wooded valleys.”

þetta fann ég einhverstaðar og líka ef þið spilið Empty Spaces afturábak þá heyrist þetta:

“Congratulations. You've just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer to Old Pink, care of the Funny Farmhouse”

kannski er ykkur sama en mér er ekki sama..!!

P.S þetta var auðvitað spilað rétt og svo snúið við..ég veit..