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John Lennon: “It was Elvis who got me buying records I thought that the early stuff of his was great. The Bill Hayley era passed me by, in a way. When his records came on the wireless my mother used to hear them, but they didn´t do anything for me. It was Elvis who got me hooked on beat music. When I heard ”Heartbreak Hotel“ I thought ´this is it´ and I started to grow sideboards and all that gear…”

June 15 1955… Enter Paul McCartney
John Lennon: “I had a group, I was the singer and the leader; I met Paul and made a decision wether to– and he made a decision too–have him in the group.
Was it better to have a guy who was better than the people, obviously, or not? To make the group stronger or to let me be stronger? That decision was to let Paul in and make the group stronger. He was good. He also looked like Elvis.”

John Lennon: “You see, we wanted to be bigger than Elvis… that was the main thing.”

Þú veist hann var sannarlega merkilegur þessi Lennon gæji ekki minn uppáhalds svo sannarlega ekki en hann sagði fullt af fallegum hlutum um Elvis en “bigger than Elvis”??? þessi endalausi hroki sem hann var alltaf með er náttúrulega er með öllu óásættanlegur.
“ 'Til we meet you again, may God bless you. Adios.”