Ég ákvað að halda áfram með þessar tilvitnanir sem virðast vera svo vinsælar :)
Þetta eru tilvitnanir í meðlimi Queen og nokkra aðra tónlistamenn um Queen.

Svo getið þið séð mikið fleiri á queenie.tk ef þið hafið áhuga, ég gat ekki sett þær allar :P

“If you don't like us, well, fuck you!”
~ Roger Taylor

“Fuck today, it's tomorrow.”
~ Freddie Mercury

“I had this idea… I wanted the sound to sing and have that thickness but yet still have an edge so that it could articulate. So my dad and I designed the guitar… the one that was made from an old fireplace.”
~ Brian May

“I thougt we would be huge - and we were. ”
~ Freddie Mercury

“I'm a very emotional person, a person of real extremes, and that's often destructive both myself and others.”
~ Freddie Mercury

“This shitty guitar only knows three chords!”
~ Freddie Mercury

“It was the one day (Live Aid) that I was proud to be involved in the music buisness. A lot of days you certainly don't feel that!”
~ John Deacon

“I don't pretend to understand the workings of the journalistic mind.”
~ Roger Taylor

“Hello again my beauties - is it happening?”
~ Freddie Mercury

“I'm so powerful in stage that I seem to have created a monster. When I'm performing I'm an extrovert, yet inside I'm a compleatly different man.”
~ Freddie Mercury

“I like to ridicule myself, I don't take myself too seriously. I wouldn't wear these clothes if I was serious. The one thing that keeps me going is that I lough at myself.”
~ Freddie Mercury

“I like leather. I rather fancy myself as a black panther.”
~ Freddie Mercury

“We don't do enough live shows these days, and I'd like to do more. I'll remember Live Aid till the day I die.”
~ Brian May

“I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear!”
~ Freddie Mercury

“Money may not buy happiness, but it can damn well give it!”
~ Freddie Mercury

“The worst day of my life was once that my mom didn't allow me to go to a Queen concert because I was grounded.”
~ Lars Ulrich, Metallica

“Maybe Freddie would like to be the next, Mick Jagger.”
~ Mick Jagger, The Rolling Stones

Og svo smá bútur úr viðtali:

Interviewer : Do you think you're going to get to heaven ?

Freddie: No, I don't want to.

Interviewer : You don't want to ?

Freddie: No, hells much better. Look at the interesting people that you're going to meet down there. You're going to be there too, you know.