Á www.etonline.com getur þú lesið að Jennifer Aniston leikur í tónlistarmyndbandi hjá söngkonunni Melissa Etheridge (veit ekkert hver það er). Lagið heitir “I Want To Be In Love” og kemur út bráðum. Þið getið séð brot úr þessu mynbandi á etonline.com. Hér er brot úr viðtali sem var tekið við Melissu (ég tók aðeins partinn þar sem hún talar um Aniston) en þið getið lesið restina á vefsíðunni.

ET: Tell us what Jennifer Aniston does in the video.

MELISSA: Jennifer plays a young pretty gal who is at a party, and it's a very simple piece. We didn't want it to get terribly complicated because we didn't want it to be all loaded down when the song says a lot. It's just about looking out for someone in the midst of a whole lot of other people, and deflecting advances and finally settling on the one that you know and the one that you love. It's a very simple emotion, but yet she's such a great actress, she really carries it all and has a lot going on in it.

ET: Was it fun to work with her?

MELISSA: Yes. As the first episode of “Friends” was out, I met her, and we have been friends and she's been a fan, and we had always talked about working together, and it was great that we finally could come together and we both had time to do this at the same time.