Phoebe setningar Mér finnst Phoebe vera fyndnust af stelpunum og hefur hún átt margar mjög skemmtilegar línur. Hér eru nokkrar þeirra:
1. Monica: ok we had lunch together
Phoebe: what did I have
Monica: You had salat
Phoebe: uhh no wonder I dont feel full
2.Ross: What! you dont believe in evolution?
P: Nah not really
R: Why not?
P: I dont know, its just ya know monkeys, Darwin, ya know it´s a nice story. I just think it´s a little too easy.
R: It´s not something you buy, it´s a scientific fact, like the air or gravity…
P: uhh dont get my started on gravity
R: uhh you dont believe in gravity?
P: Well it´s not so much that I dont “believe” in it, it´s just you know. Lately I get the feeling that I´m not so much being pulled down, as I am being pushed.
R: How can you not believe in evolution?
P: I uhuh Look at this funky shirt!
R: well there ya go
P: huh so now the real question is who put those fossils there and why?
R:OPPOSABLE THUMBS how can you then explain them then?
P:Uh oh Scary scientist man!
P: Okay Ross! could you open your mind like *this* much okay. Now wasnt there a time when the brightest minds beilieved that the earth was flat. And uptil 50 years ago people thought that the atom was the smallest thing, until they split it open and this like hole mess of crap came out. Now you are telling me that u are so unbelievably arrogant that you cant admit that there is a teeny, tiny possibility that you could be wrong about this.
R: well…
P: I cant believe you caved in
R: What?
P: You just abandoned you hole belief system, I mean before I didn´t agree with you but at least I respected you
R: But huh
P: How are you gonna go to work tomorrow? How are you gonna face the other science guys? How are u gonna face yourself? ohh
(Ross hleypur út fúll)
Phoebe: That was fun. So who´s hungry? (bara snilld)
3.But this is my gig. This is where I play. My name is written out there in chalk! you cant just erase chalk!
4.(Phoebe að spila póker)Chandler: So Phoebe how many do you want?
Phoebe: Only two cards, the ten of spades and six of clubes
5.oh uhh ohhhh Ugly naked guy is putting up his Chtistmas tree. You should see the size of his Christmas Balls!
6.Chandler: Pheebs play with me!
Phoebe: No! this game is grotesque! Twenty armless guys joines at the waist by a steel bar! Forced to play soccer forever! uh- hello! human rights violation!
7.Joey: Pheebs you wanna help?
Phoebe: ohh I wish I could but I dont want to.
8.Hey you guys you wanna turn on the news I think it´s raining

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