ok. góða kvöldið, ég er að skrifa grein hér í fyrsta skiptið og satt í hug að skrifa um Chandler sem er mín uppáhaldsperóna.
Nú ég var að horfa á alla þættina sem ég á og datt í hug að skrifa niður öll bestu kvótin sem hann hefur sagt(:
Vona að þið hafið gaman að þessu og vona að það séu ekki margar stafsetningarvillur /:
EN endilega bætið fleirum kvótum við!
p.s veit að það er ekki allt rétt þarna inni en aðalatriðin komast til skila!

Pheoebe: I cant belive that two cows made the ultimate sacrifise just so that you guys could sit with your feet up watching TV.
CHANDLER: Well they were chairshaped cows. They never would have survived in the wild.

Ross: So how is Joan?
CHANDLER: I broke up with her.
Ross: What? Don’t tell me it is because of that nostril thing?
CHANDLER: I am telling you they were so huge that when she snezzed bats came flying out of her nose!
Ross: Come on they were not that big.
CHANDLER: I am telling you she leaned back, I could see her brain.

Joey: there is just this one problem I had to kiss this guy
CHANDLER: Because he was just so darn cute!

CHANDLER: what I lost that toe because I called you fat?!!!??
I loved that toe!

Systir Joey: What are you doing?
CHANDLER: I am taking my ex girlfriend of the speed dialer.
Systir Joey: Oh…
CHANDLER: nonononon it’s alright, why must we rush through life? Why must we dial so speedily eniway. Wow those are some huge breast you have.

Ross: Maybe she will realise that life without me just…. Sucks
CHANDLER: that is possible, If I would brake up with you I would miss you.
Ross lýtur svona á hann með Ross look(;
CHANDLER: What? I was just being supportive.
Ross: well be supportive like a guy.
CHANDLER: Dýppkar röddina(: If I would break up with you I’d miss you!

Ross: they don’t like it when you say barúmtja (drommudæmið) after everything you say.
CHANDLER: Huh Monica dosen’t like it when I do that either, maybe I should stop doing that!

CHANDLER: Hey everyone at work really loved you yesterday.
Monica: Really?
CHANDLER: Yeah and they like me more just because I was with you.
I think you pretty much repaired the damage it cause when they met Joey..

Pítsastelpa: hey were is the chiken?
CHANDLER: Oh he is out back the duck pissed him off said that eggs came first.

Monica: Come on I mean look at him!
CHANDLER: I am no women but that is one tasty dish!

Ok. Þetta er ekkert sem CHANDLER segir en er samt ótrúlega fyndið!

Ross: Ok we were at this bar
CHANDLER: dude did you not hear me say duuude!
Ross: Ok we are at this bar, and CHANDLER meets this girl and gets talking to here and then suddenly they are making out. Well Chandler isn’t the type that goes to bars and makes out with girls.
He isn’t the type to go to bars and make out with girlsss
Monica: Ha! You kissed a guy!!
CHANDLER: Hey for my defence it Was really dark in there and he was a really pretty guy!!

Monica: wow that was fast!
CHANDLER: I am so glad that speed impresses you !