Jæja ég var að horfa á uppáhaldsþáttinn minn The one where everybody finds out og ég skrifaði niður uppáhaldssetningarnar mínar sem mér langar að deila með ykkur.

Þau sjá að “the ugly naked guy” er að flytja þegar Rachel segir: Oahhhh I´m gonna miss this big old squissy butt
Chandler: Aaand we are done with the chicken fried rice


Monic a: oh, oh, he´s got a packing tape where you really don´t want it!!!
Chandler öskrar: GET IT OFF FAT MAN, GET IT OFF!!!
Ross: Oh no he´s trying to pull it of slowly
Joey: Take it from me; if you are going to be pulling tape of your self, then it got to be in ONE QUICK motion
Allir: Wow oww
Joey: Like that


Rachel og Phoebe eru að skoða íbúð “the ugly naked guy” með Ross. Phoebe lítur út um gluggann.
Phoebe: Hey there´s Monica and Chandler, Hey, hey you guys, hey…. ohhhhhahhhhhh CHANDLER AND MONICA CHANDLER AND MONICA
Rachel: AHHH Oh my god
Rachel: OH my god
Phoebe: Ohhh my eyes, my eyes!!!!!
Rachel: Phoebe? Phoebe? This is OK, This is OK
Phoebe: NO they are doing IT!!!!
Rachel: I know, I know
Phoebe: You know?
Rachel Yes I KNOW, and Joey knows but Ross doesn´t know so you have to stop screaming
Phoebe talar við Joey, Phoebe: So, they know you know and they don´t know Rachel knows?
Joey: Yes
Rachel, Phoebe og Joey að rífast um að segja Chandler og Monicu að þau viti.
Joey: I can´t take it
Phoebe: You don´t have to do anything, you just don´t tell them we know
Joey: NO!!! I can´t take anymore secrets, I´ve got your secrets, I´ve got their secrets……. I got secrets of my own you know!!!
Rachel: You don´t have any secrets
Joey: OH YEAH, well you don´t know about hugs my bed penguin pal
Rachel: Soooo……
Chandler og Monica komast að því að Phoebe veit allt og fara til Joey sem sefur með mörgæsina sína.
Chandler: Phoebe knows about us
Joey: Well I didn´t tel them
Monica: THEM!! WHO´S THEM?
Joey: Uhhhh, Phoebe and…. Joey
Monica: JOEY!!!
Joey: And Rachel, I would have told you but they made me promise not to tell you
Chandler: Oh man
Joey: I´m sorry, But now it´s over, cause now you can tell them YOU know that THEY know and I can go back to knowing absolutely NOTHING
Monica: UNLESS
Joey: No, Nothing Unless, this must end now
Monica: Oh man, they think they are so slick messing with us. But see, They don´t know that we know they know, SO……
Chandler: Ahhhh YESSS, The messers become the messiers
Joey: Ohh common Guys, Think how much fun it will be to tell:
Chandler hringir og reynir að fá Phoebe til að koma yfir til sín.
Phoebe: Oh my god, He wants me to come on over and feel his biceps and more!!!
Rachel: You are kidding?
Phoebe: NO
Rachel: I can´t belive he is doing this to Mon…….. Joey, do THEY know WE know
Joey: NO
Rachel: JOEY!!
Joey: They know YOU know
Rachel: I knew it
Joey: It would say think god everybody knows, it´s finally over but that hasn´t been working for me.
Rachel: OHHHHHH I can not belive those two
Phoebe: THEY thought they could mess with US, They are trying to MESS WITH US!!!! They don´t know that we know that they know that we know we know. Joey you can´t say anything
Joey: Not even if I wanted to
Heima hjá Monicu.
Joey: Hey check it out, check it out, ugly naked guy has a naked friend
Rachel: Ohhh yeah

Oh my god that´s OUR friend!!!! It´s NAKED ROSS
Ross fær íbúðina og er þar með yfirmanni sínum.
Ross: Well here it is, a new place for a new Ross. I´m gonna have you and all the guys from work over once it´s furnished.
Donald: It´s good you are back at your feet
Ross: I am that, and all that RAGE thing is definatly behind me
Donald: I wonder if it is time for you to re-join our team at the museum.
Ross: Oh Donald, that, that, that would be great, I am totally ready to come back to work.

Hann lítur út um gluggann……..


Og þetta var þátturinn þar sem allir komust að þessu, persónulega finnst mér þetta vera ein af bestu þáttunum. Ég vona að ykkur hafi fundist þetta verið skemmtilegur lestur;)