Janine er boðið að dansa í fyrirfram tökum í þættinum “Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin Eve” sem á svo að verða sýndur á gamlárskvöld. Hún býður Joey, Monicu og Ross að koma líka.
Þetta er þvílíkt ‘dream come true’ fyrir Ross og Monicu, en svo þegar þau eru mætt vilja myndatökumennirnir ekki taka af þeim,
en þau eru nefnilega ekki alveg eins góð og þau halda.
Joey vonast til að geta kysst Janine þegar “gervi-miðnættið” rennur upp.
Rachel og Phoebe sannfæra Chandler um að hjálpa þeim að leita af jólagjöfunum frá Monicu til þeirra.

Nokkrar steningar/samtöl úr þættinum…

Chandler: Let me ask you, why is everybody using these tiny little lights now-a-days? I remember when people used to use big lights.
Rachel: That's a good story, Grandpa!
Janine: Well actually they're taping tomorrow. I don't really understand why.
Ross: Oh, well, you see, how it works is: The part with Dick Clark in Times Square is actually live, but they tape some of the party stuff ahead of time. Yeah, not a lot of people know that.
Janine: Yeah, well, do you guys wanna come too?
Ross: Are you serious?
Monica: We are there!
[Rachel hlær]
Chandler: What? What are you laughing at?
Rachel: Well, I used to date him, but you're still going out with her!

Rachel: Well, that's a lot better than Ross trying to kiss me in High School, and saying that he did it because he needed chapstick.

Rachel: Chandler, that's not enough. I mean, what if she gets you a great present, two medium presents, and a bunch of little presents? And you've just gotten her one great present? I mean, that's just gonna make her feel bad. Why would you do that to her Chandler? Why? Why?
Chandler: If I help, we can find them faster!

Ross: Hey, when the snippy guy sees The Routine, he'll wanna build us our own platform!
Monica: Was it really that good?
Ross: We got honorable mention in the Brother-Sister Dance category!