Þáttur 104 – The one with George Stephanopaulos Þáttur 104 – The one with George Stephanopaulos

—Strákarnir fara á hockey leik saman en Ross fær pökk í andlitið og þeir enda
með því að eyða heillöngum tíma á spítalanum. Ross minnist þess þegar hann
og carol stunduðu “you know what” í fyrsta sinn og var það líka í fysta sinn sem hann
“you know what” :). Stelpurnar halda náttfatapartý, og eyða löngum tíma í að sitja á
svölunum að fylgjast með George Stephanopaulos sem býr í húsinu á móti.—

Bestu setningarnar að mínu mati :

Joey : “ 95, 96, 97…see, I told you, less than a hundred steps from our apartment to here”
Chandler : “You´ve got way to much freetime.”

Ross : “ You know what, I better pass on the game, I´m just gonna go home and
think of my ex-wife and her lesbian lover.”
Joey : “ To hell with hockey, let´s all do that!”

Pheobe : “ I remember when I got my first paycheck. There was a cave-in in one of
The mines, and eight people were killed.
Monica : “ Wow, you worked in a mine?”
Pheobe : “ No, I worked in a dairy queen, why?”

Rachel : “ God, isn't this exciting? I mean I earned this. I wiped tables for it, I steamed milk for it, and it was totally……….not worth it. Who's FICA? Why's he getting all my money?

Pheobe (við monicu, að gera grín af vinkonum hennar Rachel) : “ Look, look, I have elbows!”
Þær báðar (öskra) : “ AAAAAAAAA”

Joey : “Hey, that woman's got an ass like Carol's! (Þeir horfa á hann með skrítnum svip.)
“ What? I thought we were trying to find stuff. “

(þau eru öll að spila twister og síminn hringir.)
Chandler : “ Hello? Oh, uh, Rachel, it's the Visa card people.”
Rachel : “ Oh, okay. Will you take my place? “
Chandler : “ Alright. (í símann) Yes, this is Rachel. “