þáttur 101 - samantekt (ekki copy/paste!) Þáttur 101 – the one where it all begins (pilot)

—Rachel dumpar Barry við altarið og fer til Monicu.
Monica deitar Paul “the wine guy” en kemst svo að því að hann
laug að henni til að fá hana uppí rúm.—

Bestu setningar úr þáttunum að mínu mati :

Monica : “This is not even a date, it´s just two people going
out for dinner and not having sex”
Chandler : “Sounds like a date to me”

Ross ,við Pheobe : “no don´t, stop CLEANSING my aura!”

Chandler : “Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian…… did I say that outloud?!”

Rachel, í símann : “ Daddy, I just can´t marry him, you know, I just don´t love him…..
Well it matters to me!”

Rachel, aftur í símann : “ daddy listen to me, it´s like all my life everyone´s been telling me,
You´re a shoe, you´re a shoe, you´re a shoe. But what if I don´t wanna be a shoe?
What if I wanna be a purse? Or, or a hat?…. No I don´t want you to buy me a hat,
I´m saying that I am a hat….. It´s a medaphore daddy!! (eða hvernig sem það er skrifað)

Rachel, enn og aftur í símann : “well maybe I don´t need your money….. wait, wait I sayd maybe!!”

Pheobe : “oo, I just pulled off four eyelashes, that can´t be good.”

Joey (talar um að fara að setja upp nýju húsgögnin hjá Ross) : “Pheebs, you wanna help?”
Pheobe : “ O, I wish I could, but I don´t want to”

Chandler, gerir grín af Joey (dansar um) : “once I was a wooden boy, wooden boy….”

Rachel, við monicu : “oh, wish me luck!”
Monica : “what for?”
Rachel : “ I´m gonna go get one of those job things”

Monica er í bömmer því Paul laug að henni
Joey (hlær) : I can´t beleve you didn´t know it was a line!”
Monica hrindir honum af sófanum og hann hrynur á gólfið

Ross, við Rachel : “the word you are lokking for is…. Anyway”