Til sölu tölvustýri, ennþá í kassanum aldrei verið notað.

8 action buttons + 1 Point of View button + “Back to center” button Wheel-rim
Carbon texture + rubber handgrips
2 full aluminum gearshift levers
2 gas & brake full aluminum wheel-mounted levers + polished aluminum foot pedals
Metal axis + ball-bearing steering mechanism
New, strong, smooth and silent Force Feedback mechanism.

Thrustmaster’s F1 Force Feedback racing wheel for PC is the replica of the Formula One World
Champion wheel, officially licensed by Ferrari®. Its exclusive design and features - aluminum pedals and levers, metal axis and ball-bearing mechanism, new FFB mechanism… - makes it the most prestigious and efficient Force Feedback wheel on the market.

Tilboð óskast,
athugið að þetta er ekki til í almennri sölu á íslandi og kostar úti frá 15.000 ik