Jæja hér eru glænýjar area51 trip myndir sem ég fekk sendar frá einum vini sem ferðaðist til Nevada. Myndirnar eru frá www.ice.is/iirc/aa1.jpg til aa10.jpg

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Hello, The bus in the first picture is the one that drives the Area 51 workers from the base to Alamo every weekday. After the bus left the border of the base, my friend and I followed it to Ash Springs and then to Alamo, where this picture was taken. As you can tell, all of the employees that got off of the bus were dressed casually, wearing jeans and t-shirts. As for the Camo Dudes at the border, we never made any contact with them. We sat at the border for about an hour and took a few pictures, shot some video, and ate a little lunch. However, on the trip before this, when we left the border we were followed for about 5 or 6 miles down Groom Lake Road. There was a side road that I pulled into and stopped. After I stopped, the Camo Dude's truck stopped right in the middle of the road and the passenger got out with a pair on binoculars to see what we were up to. Having nothing to fear since we were on public land, I proceeded to go back down Groom Lake Road towards the border where the Camo Dude's truck was. As I approached the security truck, they made a quick u-turn and headed back to the border. When we made it to the border again, they were sitting on top of the hill looking over us. To say the least, I had some fun playing with the Camo Dude's! Thanks again, David

aa2.jpg: Security jeppi sem er inná restricted area að fylgjast með þeim.
aa4.jpg: Sést aðeins í Area51 baseið.
aa9.jpg: Þetta er jeppinn sem þeir ferðuðust á.

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Kv, wolfy.