Miley Cyrus, aka Hannah Montana has legally changed her name from Destiny Hope Cyrus to Miley Ray Cyrus according to ETonline.

Miley has been her nickname because she was always smiling (”Smiley”) growing up.

She added in Ray as her middle name for her dad and country music star Billy Ray Cyrus.

Miley’s created quite a stir recently with candid pictures of the Disney star popping up on the Internets.

Svo núna heitir hún Miley Cyrus í alvörunni, en ekki lengur Destiny Hope Cyrus, kölluð Miley…

Bætt við 29. janúar 2008 - 17:17
ég veit ekki heldur með þetta hvort að þetta sé satt… Það gæti alveg verið….

Miley Ray Cyrus? huh?