Hér eru nokkur atvik sem hafa átt sér stað í raunveruleikanum.
Þetta er Copy/paste af www.avweb.com og ef einthver hefur út á það að setja, vinsamlegast sleppið því þá að svara.


Control: Continental XXX give me a good rate please through FL100?

Continental XXX: Well sir, we are doing 2000fpm

Controller: Could you make it 3000 fpm?

Continental XXX: No Sir.

Controller: Oh … do you not have a speedbrake?

Continental: Yes sir, I do, but that is for MY mistakes, not for YOURS!


United 1234: “Springs Approach, United 1234. We can’t read the localizer. Is there a problem?”

Approach: “The box is actually sitting right behind me. They’re doing an upgrade and it should be back in service this Winter.”

United 1234: “We can’t hold that long.”


Pilot: “Cessna 123, still holding short.”

Tower: “ Cessna 123, Hold your taters.”

Pilot: “Taters held, over.”

Tower: "Cessna 123, release taters, [chuckle] Runway 33, position and hold.“

The VP was impressed and the pilot is now known company-wide as ”Tater“.


More from our ”It's all relative file" …

Approach Control: Cessna 123N, say flight conditions.

Cessna 123N: I'm not sure … it's so hazy up here it's hard to tell.