PA left on and needing hot woman

During a particularly rough flight, the airliner pilot addresses his passengers: “The turbulence we passed through was rough, but we have passed that now. The rest of the flight is expected to be smooth.” The pilot was unaware that his PA switch was stuck on, and leaned over to the co-pilot and said “Boy, was that rough! What I need now is a hot woman and a cold beer.”

A flight attendant in the rear of the aircraft heard this, and ran forward to warn the pilot.

As she neared the cockpit, an elderly woman passenger stopped her saying “Don't forget the beer!”

Annar góður.
A stewardess runs into the terminal shouting: “Quick, there´s a pilot laying naked on the tarmac!”
“How do you know that it is a pilot?” asked someone.
“Easy,” said the stewardess, “big watch, small dick!!”.

It´s easy to make a small fortune in aviation. You start with a large fortune.

He is a pilot!
One mouse tells her girlfriend she is dateing a bat…
What is this thing you are dateing?
It´s a bat- He looks like a mouse with wings!
But he is so ugly!
Well, yes. But he is a pilot!!

Cabin attendants are very funny people:
When someone hands them a bag of garbage they smile and say “thank you”.

They routinely give dinner parties for 350 people in less than an hour.

In case of a blazing fire they open the door, step back and say “after you”.

Og tveir að lokum frá Íslandi.

Þetta gerðist fyrir einn nema í flugumferðarstjórn á Íslandi. Hann var að lesa heimild í flugvél sem í var borgarstjórinn í Helsinki á leið til Helsinkis (EFHK).
“Finnair 352 cleared to eh… eh…” (þá hvíslar kennarinn hans Horsecock) Án þess að pæla meira í hlutunum segir neminn “To Horsecock via…”

“Turn, Einar magnús magnús, 1000´ yfir ruslahaugunum á leið til lendingar”!
“Einar magnús magnús, turn, ertu ekki 1000´ of hátt”.