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Air Atlanta Icelandic Airlines co-founder Arngrimur Johannsson recently informed EAA President Tom Poberezny he will attend EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2002, plus he plans to bring three airplanes and 400 friends along with him. Johannsson, who co-founded the airline in 1986 with his wife, Thora Gudmundsdottir, said he will bring one the airline’s B-747-200 jumbo jets, specially decorated it to help promote and commemorate the 50th EAA convention.
Johannsson says the airplane will bring 400 passengers to the event for its final five days (July 25-29). The cargo hold will also carry a plans-built Pitts, called an S-2-XS in Iceland, along with a rebuilt J-3 Cub.

Johannsson is a qualified commercial pilot but he will not fly the airplane into Oshkosh. “I am 61 years old so I will not be able to fly into the USA myself, as much as I would like to,” he said. “We can fly (airliners) in Europe until 65 but in the USA 60 is the limit.”

Upon arrival the 747 will be parked at AeroShell Square.