Microsoft frestar útgáfu á FS2002 Microsoft tilkynnti á dögunum að þeir ætluðu að fresta útgáfu á FS2002 um óákveðinn tíma vegna hryðjuverkana í Bandaríkjunum þann 11. september s.l. Er þetta meðal annars gert í því ljósi að flugræningjarnir hafi hugsanlega notað Flight Simulator til þess að æfa sig.

Fréttatylkynningin var svohljóðandi:

“We have been shocked and saddened by this horrible tragedy and our hearts go out to everyone involved. Like every business, we are focused on doing the right thing out of respect for the victims, our customers, partners and employees. With this in mind we have decided to postpone releasing Flight Simulator 2002 for distribution, which was set for early October. We will also make certain changes to the product, for instance, removing the WTC as we've previously discussed. We don't have dates or additional specific changes to announce at this time.”

Sjá nánar á <a href="“ target
=”_blank">heimasíðu FS2002</a>
