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The Rescue

,,What the hell is going on!?'' Squall asked himself as he ran out of the training center, with Zell hot on his heels.
,,Yo, Squall,'' he said. ,,Slow down, willya? Did you see it too?''
,,Yes. And if you saw it as well then it can only mean that…god damnit! If Eden has harmed Ellone it'll be all my fault! Stupid stupid stu…''
His speach was interrupted by a running Rinoa who crashed into him, causing him to tumble backwards onto Zell.
,,Oh, honey, I'm so sorry! I just…ehh…did you…?''
,,Yes, me and Zell both.'' Said Squall as he stood up. ,,That makes three of us. It can't be a coincidence! Where's Quistis? Did you see her? Does she know?''
,,I don't know. I just came running as fast as I could to see you. I didn't…''
Suddenly the garden began to shake. A short “bling blang blung ding” was heard and then Quistis's voice was echoing all over the garden.
,,Squall Leonhart, Rinoa Heartilly and Zell Dincht! Get yer sorry arses up here! We're moving the garden!''
Another “bling blang blung ding” came from the speakers as the three exchanged glazes and started running towards the elevator. The were just about to select a floor when the saw Nida running to them, yelling “HOLD THE ELEVATOR!''. They watched as he ran into the elevator, gasping for air. Zell pushed the ”floor 3“ button and then turned to Nida.
,,Hey, dude? What's up?''
,,I…huff…ran all the way from the…puff…dorms…cough…oh, man! I am so not in shape…''
DING! The elevator had reached its destination and the four ran into the office and then used the platform to get up.
,,You took your own sweet time, huh? Hey, Nida! I was just about to call you! I need you to…''
,,…fly the garden. I know, Quistis. But this might be a little uncomfortable for the people onboard ‘cause I haven’t done this for almost 6 years now.''
,,Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just get this thing moving fast! Head towards the underwater researchlab in the south-west corner of the world!''
,,Yes ma'am!''
Nida started fiddling with the controls and suddenly the garden was at three times as much speed as it was just moments ago. A smile crept over Nida's face as he started to remember the controls.
,,Oh, man! Do you know how much I've missed this!? Oh, yeah, Quistis. Good job on starting it up.''
Quistis who had been taking a box with a lot of dust on from under one of the two floorboards looked up at him.
,,Hm? Oh, yeah. I watched you do it quite often in the good old times but I couldn't remember how to drive it.''
She opened the box and took out her old whip.
,,Finally,'' she said to herself as she fastened it to her belt. ,,I get to use you on something that's not an ochu or a T-rex.''
Zell looked surprised over this statement.
,,So what you're saying is that even you can get bored with paperwork? Damn, that's a new one. And…hey, wait a minute. What about Irvine and Selphie?''
,,They'll meet us there. I called them while waiting for you guys. My little dream seemed to be bugging more than just me…they both had it. And I'm guessing that you had it too, eh?''
Squall nodded and looked out the window. 10 minutes later they were at the lab but they couldn't just land the garden on top of it. It was too big and there was no beach for it to go up on. So they had to jump from the 2nd floor balcony to the lab.
,,Okay,'' said Squall as he drew his gunblade. ,,We fight our way down, get Ellone and get out. She's depending on us so we cannot screw up! Let's move!''
They were lucky that the encounters were reduced to a minimum thanks to Diablos's ”Encounter-none“ ability. And since the steampipe-puzzle had already been solved just half an hour ago it took them only 5 minutes to reach the bottom floor. There, Ellone greeted them with a low moan just as she passed out.
,,Oh, no!'' Quistis said as she ran to her. ,,Damnit! How do we get her up? We can't carry her in this condition!''
Rinoa took a hi-potion from her belt and emptied it into Ellone's mouth.
,,C'mon, you're gonna make it.'' She said. ,,Okay. Squall and Zell. You carry her up as fast as you can. Me and Quistis will take care of the monsters.''
,,But what about us?''
All four looked up as Irvine and Selphie came running down the catwalk.
,,Well,'' said Squall. ,,You two can take the lead, destroy all monsters in the front while Rinoa and Quistis take the rear.''
The nodded and started running. The trip up took a little longer than the trip down because of the extra weight but when they got up it looked as if it was worth the trouble because there were 5 medics, led by dr. Kadowaki, ready for them at the exit. They quickly took her too the Infirmary where the doctors did they're stuff. Squall and the others didn't like leaving her but they knew that the Weapons were far more important. They went to the bridge where Nida was transporting the garden back to Balamb whilst singing ”what can you do with a drunken sailor". But when the group came he stopped singing and started to act like there was something stuck in his throat.
,,Ahem, cough cough! Eh, hi y'all. Howd'it go?''
Quistis walked to her usual spot and looked out the window.
,,Mission complete…well, as complete as it'll ever be.''
,,Hey, Nida!'' Squall said as he walked to him. ,,Can you get a radar satellite picture of the world?
,,Why do you want that?''
,,The Weapons are big enough to be seen on radar, right? So we can see where they're going!''
,,Uhhh, what?''
,,Just do it!''
Nida started to tinker with the controls and BAM, a computerized map was covering one of the windows.
,,Well, I'll damned…'' Squall said as he peered at the map. ,,They aren't going into hiding…they're attacking the cities! Look! One of them is going to Fisherman's Horizon! And another to Esthar! And one to Deling! But where's the fourth? Damnit! Nida! Full throttle to…ehhh…Deling! And Quistis! Get me Galbadia garden on the phone!''
Quistis picked up the phone and called them. She then handed the phone to Squall.
,,Hello, Galbadia garden? Squall from Balamb garden here. Yeah…aha, but hey! I need you to go too Fisherman's Horizon right NOW! Why? They are under attack by a huge alien monster, that's WHY!! Yes…and bring as many SeeDs with you as you can ‘cause this is worse than anything you’ve ever seen before. Yes, over and out!''
He hung up the phone and looked at the others.
,,Everyone. Prepare yourselves. ‘Cause if you thought the sorceress war was bad, this one’s gonna be hell. There's a storm brewing out there. A big one. And I don't wanna be the only one who isn't ready when it comes. Do you?''
He may have sounded extremely cool and calm to the eye of the beholder but underneath the surface he was scared to death. When they finally got to Deling, most of it had beed destroyed. It reminded Squall of Trabia garden 6 years ago, after the missiles hit. But there was no sign of the Weapon.
,,Looks like we're gonna have to go look for it.'' Irvine said as he loaded his rifle.
,,Looks like it. Nida! Stop just outside of the city. We're going in on foot.'' Squall said as he went down the platform with the others. They all went to the 2nd floor balcony and jumped to the roof of one of the buildings. Then they climbed to the ground and looked at the ruins.
,,Oh, man. I wonder if anyone's alive in this mess…'' Selphie said as she looked around.
Suddenly Rinoa started running as fast as she could into the city.
,,Hey, Rinoa! Where are you going? Come back!''
,,Squall, don't you understand? I have to check on my father! He might have been hurt or…worse! I just gotta see if he's ok!''
She disappeared into the smoke before Squall could respond. He turned to Quistis and nodded towards the others.
,,You take care of them. I'm going after Rinoa. It's not safe to be…is it just me or is the ground shaking?''
It was. And so hard that buildings crumbled to the ground like toothpicks, cars where like balls, jumping up and down, and the five barely managed to cast float on themselves just as the earthquake started.
,,What the hell is this!?!'' Zell yelled over the noise. ,,This CAN'T be normal!''
Suddenly a giant dagger came up in the middle of the street, causing bits of concrete to fly high in the air. Then another dagger came. And then the whole Weapon came out of the ground, howling like a mad dog! It then spotted them and all of a sudden the earthquake stopped. It howled again and started running in their direction. Squall drew his Lion Heart, held it in front of himself and looked the running Weapon in the eye.
,,Here we go…''

Bloody brilliant I tell y! Lesið þetta allt saman og skemmtið ykkur ‘cause it is wickedysplangdong! <br><br>Have you ever wondered what chickens do when you’re not looking? Me neither…