[Kadaj is shown talking to the wheelchair person]

Kadaj: …He's coming back…
WCM: …Sephiroth, our nightmare

[Vincent and Cloud are shown talking by the lake]

Vincent: Heaven's dark harbinger… Jenova

[Kadaj speaks to the children]

Kadaj: Mother gave me a special power… a power to fight against this planet, this planet that tortures [it's] people

[Tifa and Cloud talking]

Tifa: I understand, even if we find the children there might not be anything we can do. This might be another thing we can't undo… That's what you're scared of, isn't it? … But you've got to learn to accept what's now… accept everything
Cloud: I don't think I can save anyone…. Not family, not friends. No one…

[Scene with Cloud and the Buster Sword. A wolf is shown behind the sword]

[Flashback of the Sephiroth Nibelheim scene. Apparently this has been completely redone from the original version shown in previous trailers]

[Kadaj and wheelchair person speaking]

WCM: What's your goal?
Kadaj: We need Mother's power… For the Reunion, no matter what.

[A bloodstained ShinRa ID falls to the floor]

[Loz and Tifa fighting in the church. Loz apparently throws a rock, and Tifa smashes it]

[Tifa stares at Loz, but he disappears (doing some kind of super-high speed movement) and suddenly appears behind Tifa. He smiles]

[Cloud and Aerith are talking standing in a field of flowers]

Aerith: You came… Even though you're about to break
Cloud: Forgiveness, I think… Yeah, I want to be forgiven

[Kadaj and Cloud in Forgotten Capital]

Kadaj: I knew you'd come!
Cloud: I'm here for the kids
Kadaj: You see this man? This is our brother. But it's such a shame… he's a traitor.

[Yazoo and Loz are shown fighting Cloud]

[Some quick scene changes occur]

Marlene: Why won't you listen to us?
Vincent: Is this about the fight/fighting?
Tifa: Did we lose to a memory?

[Tunnel battle with Cloud, Loz and Yazoo]

Kadaj: Well, how about… we put an end to this?

[Kadaj casts a spell and summons Bahamut]
[City folk are running around trying to escape Bahamut]
[Reno and Rude save some kids]
[Reno and Rude fighting Loz and Yazoo]
[Yazoo dodges Reno's attacks with ease]
[Reno is thrown back by a blast]

[Cloud flies up to Bahamut]
[Bahamut opens it's mouth and fires a Flare at Cloud, when it hits him, Cloud hears a woman's voice from inside the blue light]

Woman: …Let's go, Cloud

[A woman's hand takes Cloud's]

[Kadaj, jumping from the top of a building, drops something and tries to get it back? Stretching his arms out as he falls]

Kadaj: Mother!

[Reno and Rude are shown on a highway holding something that looks like an explosive]

[Cloud and Kadaj are shown fighting]

Kadaj: So I'm just a puppet… but then so were YOU!

[Kadaj shoots off a magic blast, Cloud jumps up and attacks him. They fight on a dome-type ruin, the airship appears]

[Cloud and Sephiroth are shown fighting on the dome-shaped ruin. Cloud speaks to Sephiroth standing at the top of the dome]

Cloud: What is it you want?

Sephiroth, Masamune in left hand, raises his right hand high into the air. A swirling thing starts to appear around him, gradually growing and growing until it's huge]
[Rubble crumbles inside this giant cyclone. Cloud and Sephiroth fight it out in-between the rubble]

Cloud: What's going to happen to the planet?
Sephiroth: That… will be for you to decide

[Denzel and Marlene in a house, holding hands and looking out of a window]

Denzel: …Cloud's coming back, right?