Sony Predicts Xbox Demise
In a new interview with Financial Times Magazine, Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi stated that, “Microsoft was finished before it even got started… They have no games. Microsoft has put itself out of the game. Retailers in the US are already disappointed. Microsoft does not understand the entertainment business.” Regarding Microsoft's presentation at E3, Kutaragi said, “The processing speed of their console is not fast enough and the graphics were rough.” Kutaragi is already predicting that this fall Sony will dominate 70 percent of the next generation console market, with the remaining 30 percent controlled by Nintendo's Game Cube. Microsoft representatives have declined to respond to Sony's attack.

Helvíti skemmtilegt. XBox er kannski ekki dottið af baki en þeim gengur víst ekki vel. Þeir sem sáu Xbox á E3 sögðu að XBox tölvan hefði ekki verið að keyra leikina heldur PC vél sem var bakvið skjáina.<br><br>—————————
“It is, of course, for the greater good.”
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