Ég var að pæla að leikurinn þar sem ´Tifa´ ´Aeris´ ´Cid´ ´Red XIII´ og þessir gaurar eru..er það Finalfantazy 6(VI) eða 7 (VII) ?<br><br>_________________________________________________
I´m the backwardsman the backwards man i am the backawards man
i can walk back as fast as u can
Taking a shower the next morning was probably the strangest experience of Draco´s life. He kept his eyes screwed shut so he wouldn´t see Harry naked, but when he did look down by accident, his jaw dropped in amazement. “Well, would you look at that,” he said, trying not to. “Congratulations, Potter.”
-Fanfic: schnoogle.com/authors/cassie/DD01.html (Harry breyttist í Draco og öfugt)
Ég vill bara taka það fram að það sem ég skrifa hér eru hvorki skoðannir mínar né rekenda Huga.is
Kv.Sammi :P