Final Fantasy, cinema thrilla Halló fólk!!

Árið 1997, þegar Final Fantasy VII kom út, þá var þetta uppáhaldsleikur (og er enn) míns og frænda míns (flawless).Við höfum báðir áhuga á rappi og eina nótt þegar ég gisti hjá honum þá gerðum við lag um FF7 og vorum ánægðir með það flawless prentaði ú 2 eintök.Enn seinna týndust báðir textarnir :( en núna nýlega fann ég textann af þessu lagi undir stiganum hjá mér og fór í Word skrifaði textann og sendi hann sem grein á Huga.

Gjöriði svo vel fólk……….

Final Fantasy,cinema thrilla
Cloud Strife, he´s da killa.
Da good guy, coming up in a cloud
with a bust
you ain´t getting out
Cloud Strife, it´s all about his life.

You ain´t getting offa diz train we´re on

Final Fantasy, cinema thrilla
Barret Wallace, he´s da killa.
With a gun on his arm
he´s lethal, and he´s crazy
he ain´t lazy
an´it´s gonna end with´a bloodbath

You ain´t getting offa diz train we´re on

Final Fantasy, cinema thrilla
Tifa Lockheart, she´s da pussy.
An´ I don´t know why I´m makin rhyme about her
ding, ding!
Hello sir I´ll be going now.
Seeya,I don´t wanna be ya.

You ain´t getting offa diz train we´re on

Final Fantasy, cinema thrilla
Aeris Gainsborough, she´s da Ancient.
Praying for holy
and get a sting through da´ heart.
End up in a water
poor Ifalna´s daughter.

You ain´t getting offa diz train we´re on

Final Fantasy, cinema thrilla
Red XIII, he´s da killa.
With a fire red fur
in da´ battle of heat
he makes you bleed.
Born in Cosmo Canyon
protecting the village.

You ain´t getting offa diz train we´re on

Final Fantasy, cinema thrilla
Yuffie Kisaragi, she´s da killa.
Ninja tactics,
she uses in a battle.
Karate kicks,
an´ ninja boomerangs

You ain´t getting offa diz train we´re on

Final Fantasy, cinema thrilla
Cait Sith, he´s da killa.
He´s da cat guy
he da fat guy.
Coming up in a megaphone
Now his skills will be shown.

You ain´t getting offa diz train we´re on

Final Fantasy, cinema thrilla
Vincent Valentine, he´s da killa.
Death penalty,
no regular philosophy.
You ain´t getting through here
you ain´t getting through there

You ain´t getting offa diz train we´re on

Final Fantasy, cinema thrilla
Cid Highwind, he´s da killa.
Flying in a rocket
into outer space
look at his face
no disgrace.

You ain´t getting offa diz train we´re on

Final Fantasy, cinema thrilla
Sephiroth he´s da mega killa.
With his Masamune
he cuts you into half.
One second…. you´re dead.
He´s bad,
and your head,
on da floor.
Sleeping in da crater
huge barrier of light.
Meteor coming down
Boom! Boom!
A sting from da Masamune.

You ain´t getting offa diz train we´re on
You ain´t getting offa diz train we´re on
You ain´t getting offa diz train we´re on!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kannski er dáldið nördalegt að gera rapplag um tölvuleik, but whatever,right.

Gleðileg jól

Ykkar kæri

Cloud Strife