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Þetta er eitthvað sem ég vil alls ekki upplifa í raunveruleikanum……

I was sitting at the balconies with my little 13 year old brother. There were people playing music inside, but I didn’t know the people. (but it was not a party….) The weather was pretty warm, and calm. My brother wanted to go and ask my father if he could have a Coca Cola, and I said, yea of course go if you want to! Then he went inside and I watched him leave. But at the same time I recognized those two guys that sat in the other corner of the balconies, smoking. I was wondering, if it was marijuana, because it didn’t look like a normal cigarette. The next thing that I know, is that they are moving closer to me, and I didn’t like it. They also pulled my chair closer to theirs, but I tried to move back and look in the other direction. They were joking about what my brother said, ”… ask for a permission to get a Coca-Cola, what, is he gonna ask papa for a beer too? Haha…” then I said something like,” maybe he prefers Coca Cola, but not the beer, some people don’t want alcohol……” But anyways, I didn’t like their look…….At the same time they were joking about my brother, I saw that splinter in my hand. It had a blue color. I wanted that splinter out, so after a short while I managed to remove it. But the same moment, I see that one of the guys has that needle….stand up and say NOO!. Then I got dizzy, and my muscles got relaxed, an ended up sitting on the floor. I couldn’t move properly, and everything was moving around me, and everywhere I looked the vision was blurry. I kept moving my head, trying so see something clear, but it didn’t work. Every time I tried to use my muscles, I felt like all this was starting over again. I felt both good and bad. Good, because there was nothing to worry about, nothing in my head except this feeling of dizziness, blurry vision, Then it was also bad, because I knew inside that this was not a good thing, and I didn’t want it to happen to myself. (like conscience vs obsession/desire/satisfaction ). Then the guys were going to do something to me, but I couldn’t do anything. I kept singing that song that I was making in my mind, and the lyric was about how bad that person was, and what that person did to me. I remember the word grapefruit from the lyric. The song was very emotional…….But the guys tried to take me somewhere, but it didn’t work, because I couldn’t move my feat properly. I was so mad to them, but at the same time couldn’t do much about it, so I grabbed whatever I could grab. Suddenly, one of the guys had braces (I am sure he didn’t have them before. Just suddenly appeared or something…) I grabbed them and ripped them out from his mouth! I know it hurt, because I also felt the pain for few seconds…..then I took a break to tell the dream to myself so I would remember it when I would wake up. But when I continued, the guy with the braces was going to leave. Shortly after they left, and I sat there starting to feel better, not as dizzy, and the vision was getting better. I knew that this was not a god thing, and I kinda hoped that it would not happen again, but I also remembered the good feeling…….. Then I had to wake up for school.