Ég er búin að taka eftir því að það er ekki búið að vera mikið um aðsendar greinar hérna undanfarið svo ég ákvað að leggjast svo lágt að copy/paste-a grein sem ég fann á netinu. Hún er á ensku, því ég nennti ekki að þýða hana. Hún er víst um einhvern mann sem stundar andasæringar. Slóðin á hana er: http://paranormal.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.atlantisrising.com%2Fissue18%2F18evilspirits.html svo ég fylgi nú höfundarreglum og öllu svoleiðis. En greinin er eftirfarandi…:

Remember The Exorcist? Those chilling scenes caused various reactions among audiences: While some enjoyed the intense effects and dismissed it as entertainment, many experienced an uncomfortable encounter with energies we would like to relegate to Hollywood's active imagination, but can't. Indeed, there is ample evidence that evil manifests on earth, acting through humans, animals and nature itself. From swine trapped in the body of a demented man (cast out by Jesus) to heartless, senseless murder and twisted tortures all over the globe, Satan shows his face. And it's not just the gross deviations that constitute evil.

A growing number of people say they are experiencing demonic possession in subtle ways that manifest as various physical, mental and emotional symptoms and conditions. For them, phrases such as, “The devil made me do it,” “He's wrestling with his demons,” or, “What possessed you to do that?” are more than mere adages. These people are sure they are being influenced by demons and, after trying conventional means, many are turning to Dr. Shakuntala Modi, M.D. for “spirit releasement.”

Modi, a board certified psychiatrist practicing in Wheeling, W.V., notes that while seemingly ‘new-age’ spirit releasement has a significant history. “The earliest evidence of the need to deal with spirits is the work of primitive medicine men, or shamans,” she says. “Later, the medicine man emerged, using prayers, herbs, drinks and music to induce the spiritual awareness necessary to ward off evil spirits. The Greeks and Romans believed mania to be possession by evil spirits who represented ‘the cult of the dead’.” (Interestingly, by contrast, the Arabs believed the insane to be sent by God to tell the truth, and worshipped them as saints.)

According to Modi, the history of psychiatry traces a backward movement. “Over the years, psychiatrists have wandered down countless blind alleys, looking for alternative, ‘more scientific’ answers to mental illness than those purported by the ancients,” she states. “Today, the mental health community is coming full circle, back to the understandings of their early counterparts, such as Plato, who described madness as a state in which ‘the wanting soul loses the thinking soul’, causing people to act against their rational natures.”

Dr. Modi's own history began in central India; as a child, she lost her father and was raised by an uncle, along with her siblings and cousins. She wanted to become a doctor for as long as she can remember. When family finances became such that only she or her brother could become a doctor, her brother sacrificed his own ambition so that she could achieve hers, an astounding act considering the country's gender prejudice.

Modi became an obstetrician/gynecologist, and married a general surgeon. Their son, Raju, was born in India. When they moved to America, Modi realized that, without the extended family system they had enjoyed in India, either she or her husband would have to make a career change. “I had been interested in psychiatry and thought it would be a way I could be a working mother,” she says. After graduate school, she practiced traditional psychiatry; using hypnotherapy as an adjunct, she earned an excellent reputation among her peers and enjoyed hospital admittance privileges.

Eleven years ago her practice began a radical evolution. She became aware of the concept of past-life regression when a patient suffering with claustrophobia instantly regressed to another life where she was being buried alive. After the session, the patient was totally relieved of her long-standing and disabling condition. These results are what keep Dr. Modi pursuing what she often calls “God's Work,” and which form the case studies for her popular book, Remarkable Healings. Replete with case histories, it details the stories of patient after patient describing similar phenomenon. “The results speak for themselves,” she states. “People are getting well, their symptoms are clearing and they are able to resume normal lives.” According to Modi, relief is often immediate and dramatic, with patients reporting that they feel more alive and energetic than ever before, or light and empty, as if a great weight had been lifted from them. Others say they can breathe more easily, and that relationships have improved.

Modi emphasizes that hypnotism is not the dramatic, induced state we stereotypically think of. It is, rather, a “parallel awareness” achieved when we focus our concentration deeply and slip into fantasy, or become so absorbed in conversation that we tune out those around us. “The subconscious contains the soul memories of every lifetime,” says Modi, adding that, “Everything we have ever touched, sensed, smelled, felt, heard, experienced and done is recorded-not only from our current lifetime, but from all past lives, the time between incarnations and even from the time of our soul's creation and the creation of the Universe.”

While the subconscious can bring up these memories, Modi feels it is vital to include the conscious mind as well. She deliberately avoids using classic relaxation techniques associated with hypnotism (such as counting backwards or suggestions that the patient is becoming sleepy). “Learning takes place consciously,” she states emphatically. “We need to be consciously aware of what's going on, not push the memories back into the subconscious!”

According to hypnotized patients, some people have firm boundaries around their energy field, or aura, as if they are heavily armored. This boundary prevents outside spirits from entering them. Other people have soft, porous, fuzzy boundaries, making it easier for the spirits to penetrate their shields and bodies. Different physical and emotional conditions, behaviors and situations can open one to psychic possession. “We are most vulnerable when ill, injured, unconscious, sedated or anesthetized,” says Modi. Playing with conjuring games such as Dungeons and Dragons, using a Ouija board, engaging in automatic writing or channeling can also invite unwanted “guests.”

It's scary stuff-as if we don't have plenty to deal with during birth and present-life trauma, Modi says our souls can fragment, leaving a “core” self bereft of various parts that took off during past or present life trauma or to help or stay with a deceased loved one. We can also be possessed by earth-bound spirits, or by demon entities who can plant false past-life memories within us. Even worse, they claim to implant mechanical devices that interfere with heavenly guidance and influence us negatively, as Modi's patient Josephine, who had severe bulimia, experienced. According to her, dark beings would project a food commercial through devices implanted over her mind that would cause her to think about those foods and then consume them until she would throw up.

Other patients described devices that pushed, pulled or applied pressure to various organs and tissues in their bodies. They claimed these devices were either active or passive ‘physical displacement’ devices, each tailored specifically to achieve a particular aim, such as throwing off a joint by a fraction, putting pressure on a nerve or squeezing two bones tightly so they would grate and scrape together. Other devices discovered were ‘focusing and amplifying devices, such as a focusing dish or wave machine and ’black energy absorbers' which, rather than causing active pain, induced a state of chronic fatigue.

Though demons are deliberate and diabolical, Modi advocates practicing releasement with compassion-“I actually treat the entity as a secondary patient,” she says. According to her, even the darkest spirit can be transformed and released into the Light. She notes a distinction between exorcism and releasement, stating that, “exorcism is a religious ritual marked by the forceful expulsion of a demon entity. It is confrontational, wrenching, and physically and emotionally exhausting to the exorcist and the subject. It directs judgment upon the entity itself, damning it and casting it out. It can be grabbed by Satan and brutally punished, it can go to another host, or return to the person from whom it was cast out.” Modi cautions that, before considering spirit releasement, potential patients should rule out biochemical causes and organic brain disorders, such as those which have been clearly implicated in schizophrenia.

It's a soft, calm voice that people are turning to to help them cast out demons. Modi's Indian accent adds a melodious quality to a quiet, reverent tone. A typical session involving past life regression generally includes the following steps: grounding and identification, during which the patient is asked to look at his or her feet and describe what they are wearing, which leads to a recognition of who they were in that life; processing the traumatic event, during which Dr. Modi guides the patient through the event, encouraging them to recall, relive and release the trauma completely; process of death, transition to heaven and experiences in the light.

These experiences are commonly reported to consist of: Being greeted by light beings, “ventilation” (where they may be invited to vent pent-up emotions), soul cleansing, a life review, an opportunity to recognize other people and to make connections between the past and current life, and the opportunity to forgive others as well as themselves. “Forgiving yourself for hurting others is the most difficult step in forgiveness,” states Modi. “When I ask patients to look back and see when they were hurting someone, they almost always say they see demon entities telling them and pushing them to do the wrong things.”

After these experiences are completed, Modi moves on to locating, retrieving and integrating fragmented soul parts, integrating the past life personality. Modi says that her patients often describe heaven as a sphere with two sections. “The outer section is like the porch of a house, where things are in an earthly form. After cleansing, reviewing and resting, the soul goes down a pathway into the gate of an inner section, where everything is in spiritual form. Here, patients state that they learn, have discussions with others and plan for the next life. This planning includes personal and group goals.

Once cleared of past life trauma or entity/demon possession, patients are counseled to stay in the light through a protection prayer given twice daily. Modi suggests her patients request their angels to ”remove all the earthbound, demon and other entities, dark shields, dark energies, dark devices and dark connections from my body, aura, soul and silver cord, and also from my home, workplace, car and places of recreation, then ask them to fill and shield you in a bubble of light and reflective ‘spiritual mirrors’. You, and only you, have a right to live in your bodymind!“

While Modi feels that she enjoys a fully integrated, entity-free soul, she refuses to take on the role of healer, insisting that she is a researcher, simply reporting what her patients tell her. She is careful to make this distinction so that the work is presented objectively and will withstand the rigors of scientific scrutiny. So far, her work hasn't come under the microscope; ”those who are ready to see embrace this work,“ she states, ”while those who are not ready don't understand it,“ She says her husband an son, both physicians, ”sort of understand.“

Her work is a consuming passion and Modi, who doesn't own a computer spent hundreds of hours writing Remarkable Healings in long-hand, as she does each of her case-studies. ”I don't want to entrust this to anyone else to transcribe,“ she says. Despite what she calls ”serious writer's block,“ she is working on a second book, due out next year, which will consider ”the nature of God and Creation itself. It will be very exciting,“ she promises. Modi cautions that her current book is not a how-to manual for lay people; she suggests contacting the Association for Past-life Research and Therapies, Incorporated, and gives their address and phone number as a reference. The book, though, is becoming a bible of sorts; passed from hand to hand, it is a catalyst for calls Modi is getting from all over the world. ”People come and stay a week or so for intensive therapy,“ she says.

Freeing oneself of spirit entities does not come cheaply; Modi charges the going rate of $150 per hour and sessions usually last from three to six hours. Multiply that by the ten or twelve sessions you're likely to need and you've got a bill between $4,000 and $5,000. But, as she points out, that's often much less than what people spend on medical treatments over a longer period without benefit of the clear healing that her shorter, intensive work seems to offer. While she hasn't conducted any formal studies of long-term ”cures,“ Modi has compiled tables comparing primary and secondary emotional and physical symptoms patients. But after hundreds of ”remarkable healings,“ Modi has concluded that; ”Every disease is a disease of the soul and, with God's help, we can cure anything."

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Kv. Divaa