Allar menningarþjóðir hafa reynt að skilgreina uppruna heimsins á einn veginn eða hinn, en flestar eru settar fram á kreddubundinn hátt tengdum trú eða trúarbrögðum.

Tantra fjallar um þetta út frá efni vísindalega, með andlegum grunni. Gert er ráð fyrir því að það sé alheimsvitund sem sem upphaf alls. Það tengist því að allt frá amöbum til mannsins og frá stjörnum til sólkerfa séu sönnun á því að það sé einhver “hugur” þarna á bakvið. Þetta er kallað Brahma(vitundin sem hefur getuna til þess að gera aðra stórkostlega). Þróunarkenningin er sem sagt að að Brahma umbreitir sér í orku og efni.

Nú jæja til þess að gera langa sögu stutta. Að þá gengur þessi kenning út á að Brahma breitir sér í efni þannig að þróunarferli manns getur verið stein, amaba, planta, þorskur, sauður, maður og ef maður nýtir hæfileika sína vel getur maður orðið eitt með alheimsvitundinni. En það er auðveldara að segja það en að gera því samkvæmt kenningunni er hægt jafnauðvelt að fara afturábak sem áfram. Ef maður lifir eins og skepna þá verður maður bara skepna í því næsta. Óskaup einfald ekki satt. Maðurinn (homo sapiens sapiens) hefur sem sagt þann hæfileika til þess að breyta hugarefni(citta) sínu frá hlutlægu yfir í huglægt. Hugurinn getur tekið á sig þá mynd sem honum er sagt að gera. Ef maður hugsar “ég er blóm, ég er blóm” allan daginn að þá samkvæmt kenningunni verður maður ja, blóm. Ef maður hins vegar beinir huga sínum á næmari hugsun að þá mótast hugurinn af því.

Hvað kemur þetta endurholdgun við? Ef við göngum út frá því að við fæðumst aftur til þess að gegna því hlutverki að uppgötva alheimsvitundina að þá að sjálfsögðu neiðist, eða neiðist og ekki neiðist,þess að fæðast aftur og aftur þangað til það gerist að hugurinn verður eitt með alheimsvitundinni. Fyrir flesta tekur þetta sjálfsagt nokkur líf.
lifið heil

Brahma means “the Entity which is great and has the capacity to make others great.” Brahma is composed of consciousness and energy. In Sanskrit, consciousness is known as Purusa and energy is called Prakrti. (Another name for consciousness is Shiva, and energy can also be called Shakti).Although we can say that Brahma is a composite of consciousness and energy, it must be emphasized that Brahma is a singular entity. It's two “parts” are like the two sides of a piece of paper.. they can never be separated. Consciousness never exists independently from the cosmic energy.

Just what exactly is consciousness? Purusa or consciousness can be defined according to the various functions it performs.First of all consciousness performs the act of witnessing all events of the universe. It is like a chandelier hanging in a room from the ceiling; many different actions take place under the witnessing light bulb,but the light bulb itself does not undergo change or participate directly in the action it witnesses. It provides the light which makes all the activities possible and “observes” all the activities. It is the “cognitive faculty.”

Another function of consciousness (Purusa) is that it is the material cause of the universe… it is the basic “stuff” from which everything else is composed.Scientists have always been searching to find the fundamental matter of the universe. At one time they thought that the atom was the smallest particle, but in recent years they have been dividing and sub-dividing the atom, finding smaller particles with no end in sight. Yogic scientists have long said that the ultimate cause of all existence and the source of all material objects is nothing but pure consciousness.

Still another way to describe consciousness is by saying that it is the “efficient cause” of the universe.It is the fundamental entity controlling all actions in this universe. Consciousness is like the master architect who has made the plan of the universe and acts to carry it out.

However, the architect takes the help of Prakrti, the operative principle, in order to carry out it's task. Prakrti is the other aspect of Brahma, or the other side of the piece of paper so to speak. In the cycle of creation the dominant and controlling role belongs to the consciousness and the operative principle is considered to be a characteristic of consciousness.It is the consciousness which permits the operative principle to work. If the consciousness does not give the operative principle a chance to work, then the pure consciousness remains without any modification.In this condition the consciousness is beyond human conception because it does not have attributes such as form, smell, shape or colour. Ananda Marga philosophy calls this state of pure consciousness Nirguna Brahma.

If the operative principle is given a chance to act, it works according to three fundamental modes. That is Prakrti creates differences in this world by modifying the original pure consciousness in three distinctive ways. These three fundamental styles of action are known as gunas in Sanskrit, a term which literally means “binding quality”. This term derives from the idea that the Prakrti is like a rope which modifies the consciousness by binding it. When a particular guna is active there is a modification or bondage of the consciousness.The three gunas of prakrti are called sattva (sentient), rajah (mutative), and tamah (static).

Sattvaguna creates the most subtle bondage or modification of the consciousness. It is responsible for the feeling of existence… 'I exist“. Rajah guna is responsible for the feeling ”I do“ and tamah guna. creates the feeling of ”I have done“. Tamah guna works to objectify thought and is responsible for the creation of the solid objects which we observe in the universe, as will be shown below.

What is the process by which Prakrti takes action and begins to modify the consciousness creating Saguna Brahma or Brahma with qualities? First, we must try to conceive of a state ”prior" to the creation of the universe. Here the Supreme Consciousness is without any modification. The three gunas of prakrti exist but they are not acting. If the three forces are represented by countless lines, the intersections of these lines form countless polygons. This is a theoretical way to picture the state in which consciousness is unmodified.