Nennti ekki að þýða þetta… Ég veit, ég veit, það er laim, ég er bara búin að vera að þýða svo margt annað og læra á fullu. En ég er samt að pikka þetta upp úr bók sem ég á og er ekki bara að copy/paste-a af einhverri vefsíðu.

The Witches' Pyramid.
A. To Know.
…1. Yourself.
…2. What you want to accomplish.
……a. Write down the specifics in long-hand.
……b. Factor down to phonetics.
……c. Factor down to initials.
……d. Create að sigil with those initials.
…3. How to work in moderation.

B. To Will.
…1. Belief in yourself.
…2. Belief in Divinity.
…3. Belief in your skill level.
…4. Belief in the abundance of all the Universe.
…5. The will to practise again and again.
…6. Meditation skills.
……a. Practice for visualization.
……b. Practice for relaxation.
……c. Practice for reaching Alpha.
……d. Practice for speed.
…7. Why do you want to perform this magickal operation?
…8. Is your will directed correctly?
……a. Do not influence another.
……b. Do not influence in a negative manner.
……c. Do a divination to check your plans.

C. To Dare.
…1. Have the guts to change circumstances.
…2. Have the guts to control your environment.
…3. Take responsibility for your actions.
…4. Choose the best course of action for the working to be done.

D. To Be Silent.
…1. Learn to keep your mouth shut before you perform.
…2. Learn to keep your mouth shut while you're waiting for results.
…3. Learn to keep your mouth shut after the operation.
……a. Protects your confidence.
……b. Protects your reputation.

Mér finnst þetta ágætis uppsetning hjá Silver Ravenwolf en ég vil minna á að þetta eru auðvitað bara leiðbeiningar en enginn heilagur sannleikur.
