flokkur framfarasinna boðar stefnu sem heitir á ensku “national socialism” áður en fólk hugsar sér að kjósa flokkinn í næstu kosningum ætti það að lesa þennan texta um helförina. eins og nasistar þá segja framfarasinnar ekki að þeir ætli að drepa fólk en sagan dæmir þá.

Tonight is the 60th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the “Night of the Broken Glass,” With methodical precision, during the night of Wednesday, November 9th, and early morning of Thursday, November 10th, 1938, SA, SS, and Nazi storm troopers, disguised in plain clothes, assembled in pre-arranged meeting places and fanned out to selected targets in the Jewish communities of Germany, Austria and occupied Sudetenland. Following Gestapo instructions, these Nazi agents axed windows, demolished furnishings, wrecked houses, smashed store fronts, ravaged merchandise, torched synagogues, and arrested thousands of Jews. As this well coordinated destruction took place, most “neighbors” just watched. This was the beginning of the Holocaust.

By Friday morning, November 11th, nearly 100 Jews were dead, 7,500 Jewish businesses had been destroyed, 275 synagogues had been razed or burned and 30,000 Jews had been arrested. The were forced to wear yellow stars over their hearts. The majority of those who were arrested were sent to the German concentration camps of Dachau, Sachsenhausen and Buchenwald where they were killed.