Jæja þetta var einstaklega heppileg tilviljun að þetta Bjarna Westmannmál skildi gerast á sama tíma og ISG utanríkisráðherra Sri Lanka voru báðir í USA, svona stuttu eftir að kínverjar voru góðir við okkur.

Spurning hvor eitthverjir Kanar hafi verið hjálplegir í að greiða úr þessum ófyrirséða atviki.

Nei er ekki allt pólitík annars?

Tekið af http://www.uktamilnews.com/

Iceland Seeks Apology Over Her Diplomat’s Unauthorized Meeting with LTTE
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Written by Administrator
Oct 04, 2007 at 03:16 AM
mfa9The Government of Iceland has tendered an unqualified written apology to the Government of Sri Lanka for the Unauthorized meeting of Mr. Bjarni Westmann, Minister Counsellor of the Foreign Ministry of Iceland, with representatives of the LTTE.

The apology follows Foreign Minster Rohitha Bogollagama, who is currently on an official visit to Washington DC, taking up the matter with his counterpart Mrs. Ingibjorg Solrun Gisladottir, Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade of Iceland on Wednesday morning. The Minister strongly protested the action of Mr. Vestmann, and requested his immediate recall.

Foreign Minister Gisladottir emphatically stated that the Government of Iceland had not authorized Mr. Vestmann to make any contact with the LTTE, which he has done much to their disappointment.

The Iceland Foreign Minister noted the close relations between Sri Lanka and Iceland and hoped for the continuation of this relationship.

Embassy of Sri Lanka
Washington D.C.

Bætt við 5. október 2007 - 21:49
Svo eru Tamílu Tígrarnir náttúrulega blóðþyrstir hryðjuverkamenn þótt allir þar í landi viti að stjórnarherinn sé engu betri.


svo sér eru hver hryðjuverkasamtökin segir maður bara iss :)

nei mér finnst mikilvægt að það sé ekki dregið okkur á asnaeyrunum þótt við eigum að heyra bláeygð og ljóshærð þjóð í alþjóðasamskiptum :X