og Islam, mjög fróðleg lesning, ég ætla ekki að þýða hana yfir á Islensku, gæti verið tali Bushisti rasisti svo ég læt hana standa eins og hún er skrifuð.

Islamic terrorism is inspired by Islamic teachings. We can never get rid of Islamic terrorism unless we defeat the ideology behind it and that is Islam itself. Islam induces hate backed by lies. Muhammad was a terrorist by his own admission. All Muslims, to the extent that they follow him, are terrorists. Those Muslims who are not terrorists are ignorant of Islam and are not good Muslims. Fortunately they are the majority. We need to rescue them. If you are a good human being, you are not a Muslim. Read this site and if you can't prove me wrong, which you certainly can't, leave this deceitful cult of hate and terror and join mankind. Don't be part of the Umma. Umma is fascism. It is divisive. It induces the hatred of others. Be part of humanity instead. Your ignorance is not an excuse. Pull your head out of the sand and face the truth, like we did.
Faith Freedom International is a grassroots worldwide movement of ex-Muslims and all those who are concerned about the rise of the Islamic threat. We want to bring humanity together, not by introducing yet another doctrine, which always ends up dividing mankind more, but by eliminating the doctrines that divide us. We want to abolish this evil ‘Muslim vs. Kafir“ dichotomy. Mankind is one family. Don’t let narcissist men like Hitler and Muhammad sunder us with their big lies. Don't become the victim of the ”divide and rule“ policy of a psychopath.

Faith Freedom stands for freedom of faith. We are against Hate, not Faith. We revere human rights not human beliefs. We endeavor to be factually correct, not politically correct.

Do your part! Let this message out. Let us eradicate Islam and bring mankind together - the way God intended. Islam is the cancer of humanity. We can get rid of it. There is nothing we humans can't do. Mountains move aside to make way for those who are determined.

History of FFI
In 1994 after reading the Quran I came to the conclusion that Islam is not a religion from God. It took me two years of denial and inner struggle to finally admist that Islam is indeed a satanic cult and very dangerous. During this time I researched other religions and decided religion is not for me. In 1998 I decided to let the world know what I had discovered. My first article was a review of Ibn Warraq’s first book Why I Am Not a Muslim that I posted at Amazon.com. Another ex-Muslim read that review and invited me to join a Yahoo Club that he had founded known as Society of Islamic Humanists. I started writing there and debated with many Muslims. I also visited other forums and tried to debate, but the idea of opposing Islam was a novel and impossible thought to most Muslims. They banned me and removed my articles as soon as I posted them.

I decided to make my own site. At first I used a free site hosted by Tripod.com. As soon as the site became popular Muslims pressured Tripod.com to delete my site and they sheepishly complied without even giving me the chance to save my articles. If we lose this war it would be because of the cowards among non-Muslims. Starting from scratch I used other free hosts until in November 2001 I founded faithfreedom.org.

Islamic terrorism inclreased and the interest to know the truth about Islam kept growing. Many great writers, both from Muslim background and non-Muslims joined to make this site a virtual battle ground against Islamism. Faith Freedom International transcends religious and doctrinal affiliations. It is the voice of humanity against Islamic quest to conquer and subdue the world. As far as Islam is concerned we are all Kafirs and must convert, be reduced into zimmitude or face death. Therefore it makes sense that we put aside our petty differences and join hands to fight our common enemy.

FFI is the fist of humanity in the mouth of Islamic expansionism. We intend to expose the ugly face of this impostor and eradicate it from the face of the earth. We believe truth must be said no matter how unsavory it is, because only truth can set us free.

All these wars and killings that are bringing so much pain and misery to mankind today are caused by Islam. The root cause of the problems in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine and all other Islamic countries is Islam. The future of mankind is threatened by Islam. Islam must go if humanity is to survive. This ”ideology of hate“ that Bush and Blare constantly talk about without telling us its name is called Islam.

In June 2006, FFI entered a new phase of its existence. Since this date, this site is managed by a dedicated group of volunteers who act as editors and administrators. Most decisions are arrived by consensus and through consultation. The actual work is done by these selfless volunteers and my participation is entirely redundant.

Be Part of FFI
If you are concerned about the future of mankind and fear Islamic barbarity, this site is yours too. Become active and join our team. We still need to develop chapters of this site in other languages. You can volunteer as an author or a translator. If you decide to write for FFI, please keep in mind that our focus is to eradicate Islam. We do not promote hostility against Muslims and do not condone inciting violence or hate. We consider Muslims to be the primary victims of this cult. Our aim is to open their eyes and wean them from Islam. If you don't have good authoring skills then you can become a research associate, hunting out good articles and obtaining permission to republish them on FFI, or tracking down credible Islamic sources to verify statements made by other authors.

Our focus is twofold:
a) Warn the non-Muslims of the danger of Islam and push for laws that would ban Islam and the flux of Muslim immigrants in non-Muslim countries. Muslims procreate much faster than any other group and they will soon become the majority. But as long as they are confined to Islamic countries they can pose no threat to others. Their growth will reduce them into poverty and hence their threats will be diminished. The danger is when they are allowed to increase in number in non-Muslim countries. If this trend is not stopped we will lose the battle to Islam in this century and will become second class citizens in our own countries.

b) Help the Muslims to see the light, leave Islam and join the fold of humanity. Once Muslims leave Islam they can be as good as anyone else. As long as they hold a psychopath as their prophet, Muslims can be very dangerous. Let not appearances fool you. As long as Muslims believe in the hateful teachings of the Quran, they are a threat to others and the sweetest Muslim can turn a terrorist overnight. All it takes is a life crisis and he or she can become a ferocious beast. The biggest threat however, is the demographic growth of Muslims in the West. Muslim womb is more dangerous than Muslim bomb. But if they leave Islam, they can be trustworthy allies. It’s not their nationality or race that makes Muslims dangerous; it’s their belief. We hope to wean them from this destructive belief.

Don’t have time to be part of FFI?
There are additional things you can do to assist that don't require actually getting involved with the content of the website. When the subject of Islam comes up on forums and in chatrooms, be ”vocal" about the truth, and not sit quietly while Muslims present the sugar-coated version of Islam. Give links to articles on FFI, back up statements with Islamic sources, and don't let Muslims intimidate you into remaining silent. When articles are written in newspapers and magazines that paint a rosy picture of Islam write in and refer the author to FFI.
Ali Sina