Frétt sem ég fékk senda í pósti :

Viewers Demand More “Patriotic” Coverage

A substantial segment – 46 percent – of the American public believes that the news media are becoming too critical of America and that such criticism is weakening national defense, according to findings by a Pew Research Center poll.

The vast majority of those surveyed – 70 percent – also believes that the media ought to take a more pro-American stand in its reporting of the U.S. actions in Iraq and the war on terrorism.

The Pew survey further found that those who are the most critical of the media are likely to be devotees of the Fox News Channel.

Greinilegt að fjölmiðlar eiga ekki að gegna skyldu sinni samkvæmt þessu liði, bandarísk þjóðernirkennd er farinn að nálgast(eða kominn yfir) sama stig og þýsk þjóðerniskennd í kringum 1930-45,
bíð bara eftir “Bush er Bandaríkin og Bandaríkin eru Bush” a la orð Rudolfs Hess í Nurenberg '34 um Hitler.<br><br>______________________________________
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The ideals which have always shown before me
and filled me with the joy of living are :
goodness, beauty and truth.

-Albert Einstein