Techno hljómsveitin scooter er hljómsveit sem kemur frá þýskalandi. Í henni eru þrír félagar þeir: Rick Jordan H.P baxxter og Alex coon.Þeir hafa gefið út nokkur lög sem hafa slegið í gegn svo sem Age of love, our happy hardcore, friends,faster harder scooter og how much is the fish. þekkiru einhvers til þeirra?

Gold Honors:

“…and the beat goes on” - Hungary
“Age Of Love” - Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary
“Back In The UK” - Germany
“Endless Summer” - Germany
“Fire” - Germany, Finland
“Friends” - Germany
“How Much Is The Fish?” - Germany, Belgium, Finland
“Hyper Hyper” - Germany, Austria
“I'm Raving” - Germany
“Move Your Ass” - Germany
“Our Happy Hardcore” - Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland
“Wicked” - Czech Republic, Finland, Poland, Hungary
“No Time To Chill” - Hungary, Finland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic

Platinum honors:

“…and the beat goes on” - Ireland, Hungary
“Hyper Hyper” - Germany
“Our Happy Hardcore” - Hungary
“Wicked” - Czech Republic, Hungary