Multiplay is the true example of how community oriented
projects work. After announcing that World at War would
feature a £2,500 tournament in the upcoming i36, the
feedback from the community changed their minds as they
announced earlier today the game would no longer be used
for an official tournament.

Instead they would go for Call of Duty 4. The M Festival
along with i36 is scheduled for April, between the 10th and
13th at Stoneleigh Park, United Kingdom. The prize fund will be kept the same as before the game swap, £2,500.

Which mod will be used is still open for discussion, Multiplay will be following closely both DAMN and Promod developments and how the competitive community reacts to each one. The decision will be based on this specific group feedback, there's no deadline specified for such decision.

“We hope the community can pull together and not be divided over mods so that Cod4’s longevity as a competitive game can be kept at a position where it’s viable for us to support it as one of the headline tournaments at the i-Series for years to come”, says Multiplay on their official press release.

Other games to be featured in prize tournaments are FIFA 09, Counter-Strike: Source and Halo 3. Head to i36's official website for more information.

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Noxi :D