
We're a new MultiGaming clan called Brutalize starting with CoD4 and later on other games.

We're recruiting medium-skilled Icelandic/Scandinavian players (Age 15+) to join our CoD4 S&D.

Must speak and understand proper English.
Must be active for ladders & leagues.
Must have played FPS games for 2years+.

What we'll expect from you:
- Good Manner
- No Cheating
- Active & Dedicated
- Vent , Mic , MIRC (IRC) & xfire
- Good taste at Humor ;> !
- Teamwork

We can offer you:
- Good Teamwork
- Fun
- Good Manner
- Ventrilo Channel
- A clan match server 24/7 (SOON) !
- Alot of practice

Please contact us on #brutalize @ irc.quakenet.org or contact us on xfire: 93donzo and 2891 If you want to join !

http://clanbase.ggl.com/wanted.php sést þarna ^.^!!!! koma svo á irc rásina kkthx :D !
*DEAD* Destiny :* : hverjar eru likunar ad einhver bjoggi bjorgvin vaeri eins og fokin vargur