Wednesday 25 October
Welcome To The Call Of Duty 2 S&D Nations Cup X
by: Cryptic - Comments (13)
Welcome to the THE second ClanBase Call Of Duty 2 S&D Nations Cup.
The Nation Cups brings all the top players from across the world to take part in one cup.

The supervisors for this cup will be Cryptic and my co-supervisor in his very first cup on ClanBase is Cheets. Once again we are going to try to make another great cup, with a lot of great matches between top-players from across the world.

Signing Up
Do you think you're the best man for your country? You think you can lead your country to a victory?! The requirement to become a team-captain are:

* Decent organization. Every team should have one person who is responsible for ClanBase, he will function as a contact person, and CB will call him teamleader. It's up to the teams to decide who is doing what.
* Decent skill level. .
* A bit of team presentation is preferred. A logo is easy to make and looks much better on your teampage. So does a website where news, memberlists and other information can be found.

So how to join this cup? Gather as much support as you can from your country's top clans with international experience and a well known reputation. Store these quotes (for example from mIRC) where the players confirm that they support your candidacy. If you think you have collected enough support, mail us containing these information:

* The subject has to be "NC X COD2 S&D: [country] - Team captain application“, e.g. ”NC X COD2 S&D: United Kingdom - Team captain application"
* Start the email with your nickname, your clan and your ClanBase hid (the number between brackets on your player page).
* Provide a list of the clans and players who support your candidacy + the irc bits where they say so.

In case that your countries internet infrastructure is not in a stable state, provide details of international online matches, recently played by your local players/clans to demonstrate that you can field a competitive national team. us.
You will have until November 8 to sign up

Semsagt signup byrjað fyrir nationscup ef ísland vill eitthvað reyna fyrir sér í þessu verður að gera eitthvað í því á næstu dögum jæja adios