Það er búið að release Promod4 final núna, sunnudagskvöld 22 feb.

Hingað til hefur Promod verið hannað af Carlisle og JUZSN een það er greinilega einhver rígur á milli þeirra því að Carlisle fékk ekkert að segja með útgáfu promod final.

Það eru margir mjög ósáttir við þessa útgáfu m.a. ég og þess vegna lítur út fyrir að Carlisle og Juszn hætti að vinna saman og Carlisle gefi út sína eigin útgáfu af promod jafnvel í kvöld.

M.a. yrði þá hægt að toggla silencer á byssuna mid round. Einnig myndi hann líklega halda hitboxunum eins og þau voru í 4.22. Breyting sem ég væri persónulega mjög hrifinn af.


Change Log

- M4/MP5 rebalanced to approximate the current calibre of AK47/74u for wider variety of gun use with revised hitbox system
- Game environment physics further reduced (10-15 % FPS Boost)
- Car's instantaneously delete glass/bumper/bonnet from game environment (FPS Boost)
- Deadly bolts for sniper rifles introduced to potentially remove chest & neck direct hit tagging on a moving target
- End of round no longer freezes the player to the floor, enabling free movement whilst scores appear
- Promod graphic setting “Stock lighting” has now been restored to its original value
- Various security enhancements added
- Shoutcaster overlay now supports widescreen monitors
- RUP function lagg fixed
- Logprints added to rup mode indicating which area of the model has been hit
- Revised Intensive hitbox (see below)

Intensive aim-based hitbox feature

- Damage amplifier to legs/arms changed from 0.7 to 0.8 to fixed 99 damage issue
- Damage amplifier to feet & hands lowered from 0.7 to 0.6

Statement frá JUSZN

“Its been a long time coming, but we finally made it. Some of the changes you see here are fully revised and voted on by the theCODalliance, if you have any queries please visit #tca. As for the project itself, its been pretty great and lets look forward to a very competitive year ahead of us in call of duty 4. Enjoy”

Statement frá Carlisle

I woke up this morning thinking, ‘right today is where it ends, and I am going to put the final touches to promod 4. So it never needs to change again’. Then find out from some one else, not even juszn that the final has already been released when I was gearing up for a hard day of coding ready for its release which I though was tonight. Not the morning.

As I said, I am really dissapointed that I could have my final impact on the mod which I put the work into, that I stressed over for endless allnighters. And then juszn gets mavs work sent to him, instead of then giving it to me so i could check for bugs and do any additional changes (which was the original plan and we actuall ahd a contract stating this) Instead of waiting to talk to me, releases it. This isn't sour grapes or anything. I just wanted to get the mod done so I could play the game. Nor do I want to make a big deal over this because relative to raf, and perhaps even mav, I have done little coding on the mod.

Hlutir sem fólk eru ósátt við í Promod 4 final:

- Moddinu var rushað út og kallað “Final” án þess að vera playtestað af almenningi.

- M4 er allt alltof góð long range. Hún sýgur samt ennþá close range. Að mínu áliti þarf aðeins að nerfa damageið og þá er þetta fínt því að þetta bíður uppá meiri fjölbreytni. Ak47 sýgur núna long range en er samt töluvert sterkari en m4 í mid/close range.

- AK47 er orðinn of aum og SMGS aftur orðnar of sterkar.

- Þessi ömurlegu hitbox changes sem Mav (damn mod) gerði og er augljóslega að reyna að breyta leiknum í Counter-strike.

1 Crymo 1 cup