<SCRIPT Language=“JavaScript”>

function cookie() {
var loc = document.location.search;
if (loc != “”) {
var cookie = loc.substring(1);
var currentCookie = getCookie(“i_love_polls”);
if (currentCookie) {
if (currentCookie.indexOf(cookie) == -1)
setCookie(“i_love_polls”, cookie, “/”);
} else {
setCookie(“i_love_polls”, cookie, “/”);

function setCookie(name, value, path, secure) {
var exp = new Date();
var threeDaysFromNow = exp.getTime() + (14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
document.cookie = name + “=” + escape(value)
+ “; expires=” + exp.toGMTString()
+ ((path) ? “; path=” + path : “”)
+ ((secure) ? “; secure” : “”);

// name - name of the desired cookie
// return value of specified cookie or null if cookie does not exist
function getCookie(name) {
var prefix = name + “=”;
var cookieStartIndex = document.cookie.indexOf(prefix);
if (cookieStartIndex == -1) {
return null;
var cookieEndIndex = document.cookie.indexOf(“;”, cookieStartIndex + prefix.length);
if (cookieEndIndex == -1)
cookieEndIndex = document.cookie.length;
return unescape(document.cookie.substring(cookieStartIndex + prefix.length, cookieEndIndex));

var drawOrNot = new Array(1);
var question = new Array(1);
var answers = new Array(1);

drawOrNot[0] = “false”;

question[0] = “Which space sim are you looking forward to the most?”;

answers[0] = new Array(
“3rd World”,
“Battle Isle: DarkSpace”,
“Cosmic Rift”,
“Earth and Beyond”,
“Eve: The Second Genesis”,
“Independence War 2”,
“Hoping for another Privateer”,
“Hoping for another Wing Commander”,

function drawOpenTable(imageName, bgColor, width) {

document.write(“<TABLE WIDTH=”“ + width + ”“ BORDER=”0“ CELLINGSPACING=”0“ BGCOLOR=”“ + bgColor + ”“ CELLPADDING=”4“>\n”);
document.write(“<FORM NAME=”Poll“ METHOD=”POST“ ” +
if (imageName != “”) {
document.write(“<CENTER><IMG ALIGN=”CENTER“ SRC=”“ + imageName + ”“ \n”);
document.write(“ALT=”“ + imageName + ”“><CENTER>\n”);


function drawPoll(pollid, theOne, network, textColor) {

document.write(“<FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=”“ + textColor + ”“>\n”);
document.write(“<BR>” + question[theOne] + “<FONT><BR>\n”);

// Now start the answers section - we do it seperately if the cookie
// has been set showing we voted

document.write(“<FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=”“ + textColor + ”“>\n”);

var pollCookie = getCookie(“i_love_polls”);

var inCookie = false;
if (pollCookie) {
if (pollCookie.indexOf(pollid + “.”) == 0)
inCookie = true;
else {
if (pollCookie.indexOf(“:” + pollid + “.”) != -1)
inCookie = true;

var ret = true;

// Add each potential answer if we haven't completed the poll previously
if (pollCookie == null || !inCookie) {
// redirect URL after the vote
document.write(“<INPUT TYPE=”HIDDEN“ NAME=”url“ + theOne + ”“ VALUE=”“ + document.URL + ”“>\n”);

// our network
document.write(“<INPUT TYPE=”HIDDEN“ NAME=”network“ + theOne + ”“ VALUE=”“ + network + ”“>\n”);

// our pollid
document.write(“<INPUT TYPE=”HIDDEN“ NAME=”pollid“ + theOne + ”“ VALUE=”“ + pollid + ”“>\n”);

// current cookie
document.write(“<INPUT TYPE=”HIDDEN“ NAME=”cookie“ + theOne + ”“ VALUE=”“ + pollCookie + ”“>\n”);

for (var i=0; i < answers[theOne].length; i++) {
// write out the answers
document.write(“<INPUT TYPE=”RADIO“ NAME=”vote“ + theOne + ”“ VALUE=”“ + i + ”“>\n”);
document.write(answers[theOne] + “<BR>\n”);

} else {
// user already voted
document.write(“<IMG SRC=”http://polls.snowball.com/mighty/results/“ + network + ”/“ + pollid + ”.jpeg“>\n”);
ret = false;

return ret;

function drawCloseTable() {
// submit the form
var toDraw = false;
for (var i = 0; i < drawOrNot.length; i++)
toDraw = toDraw || drawOrNot;
if (toDraw) {
document.write(“<INPUT TYPE=”HIDDEN“ NAME=”qcount“ VALUE=”1“>\n”);
document.write(“<P><CENTER><INPUT TYPE=”SUBMIT“ NAME=”command“ VALUE=”Vote!“></CENTER>\n”);

drawOpenTable(“”, “#CCCCCC”,“150”);
drawOrNot[0] = drawPoll(“av041401a”,“0”,“vault”,“#000000”);


<CENTER>Javascript is required to participate in our polls.</CENTER>