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The superhighways are doing more damage than good in my opinion. The superhighways have reduced travel time, definately. But let's look at the harm they're doing:

The highways have removed regional pricing on market items

Prior to the introduction of the highways, items on the market could be priced according to region, allowing for importing. Laser items in Heimatar sold for a higher price due to their lack of availibility from pirates and the scarceness of blueprints. A person manufacturing or hunting in Genesis could load up an industrial and deliver the items to Heimatar. And justifiably raise the price. The reverse was true with projectiles. Now with the highways, Genesis is 3-4 jumps away and negates the regional pricing.

Trade Risk vs Reward imbalance

Prior to the introduction of highways, cross-region trade routes usually involved going through low sec space. Which meant running into player pirates. This was a justified risk factor, despite what people may want to claim, for the higher profit those routes usually returned. The problem with trade goods being bought up and demand disappearing after downtime was never as bad as it was until the highway systems were introduced. Now trade is completely fooked, for lack of a better term. Where before a successful trader had to have both appropriate skills for running blockades and good planning skills for setting up routes, now being a succesful trader involves nothing more than getting an industrial and some isk.

Travel time may be a pain in the ass. But looking over what was lost versus saving time travelling, I have to say the highways are not worth it. People keep saying Eve isn't an instant reward game, that you have to have patience to play. If that is true, then the highways run counter to that argument and should be removed. Travelling from region to region should take time and reward those willing to make the trip. Those unwilling to make the trips should stay in the regions they're at.

There is no highway to Curse or Fountain. Yet people make that trip daily because it's worth it to them. Tranporting goods between Genesis and Heimatar should follow the same principles. If a highway is to be implemented, it should be between the regions inside each Sovereignty. IE: Heimatar, Metropolis and Molden Heath. Or the different regions that make up the Amarr Empire.

Persónulega styð ég þetta 100%. Þó svo að það taki lengri tíma að ferðast á milli Regions, þá er það þess virði. Held að markaðurinn yrði miklu betri og traders gætu loksins grætt eitthvað að ráði aftur. Einnig hefur verið talað um að gera Super Highway fyrir Shuttles only. Það er líka ágætis hugmynd, en best væri þó að fjarlægja þá alveg.

Znaei -Adult Entertainment-
<br><br>Wise man once said: “ Where ever you go…. well, there you are”
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