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As of today, 12th of February at 1900 hours, Horizon (formerly known as Horizon Industries) is disbanded. After 7 months of lifetime, it was decided that Horizon does not have a future in the world of EVE. Many factors are to this decision, and it's hard to blame one, single factor on the demise of Horizon.

To Mandulis, Spaz, HauntFox, AlphaDuck and all of you that were a part of Horizon before the reset: It's been fun. But all things come to an end

To the rest: One less paranoid bastard to think of. I have no specific plans for the future myself, so if anyone wants to get a fairly experienced intelligence operative with some resources, let me know.

A more graphical description (and more in the spirit of serious roleplaying) of Horizons fall can be found here: http://www.black-crows.com/rinnywee/sham/Horizon/anh.html

Good day to you all
-Irelidea Tyrvanus
