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Nokkrar spurningar og svör stóðu þó upp úr.

<b>Is the physics engine that Eve uses based on realistic Newtonian physics, or dumbed down, or a compromise? If it's realistic, are the distances involved accurately represented, too?</b>

<i>Clover: its based on old Netwon, but we have made some alteration for playability's sake</i>

Newtonian physics. Þetta skiptir ótrúlega miklu máli í sambandi við hvernig leikurinn mun spilast. T.d. til að halda stöðugum hraða myndi maður bara slökkva á vélinni. Eldsneyti (ef það er eldsneyti) eyðist bara við hraðabreytingar. Litlar frigates geta líka gert GÍFURLEGAN skaða ef þær klessa á á nægum hraða. Og bardagarnir sjálfir breytast. En þeir segja að þetta sé dáldið breytt, svo maður veit aldrei.

<b>Will players be allowed to be in more than one corp at the same time?</b>

<i>Solaris: nope</i>

'Nuff said :)

<b>How does one conduct hacking? Is that entirely through communications? Are there any other methods of espionage besides infiltrating a corporation physically?<b>

<i>Clover: hacking will probably not make it to the release, hopefully it will be added later. Special contacts can give espionage options.</i>

Ekkert hacking…. *sniff*. Aðalega slæmt fyrir Horizon… :P

<b>Are we going to have a backstory in the game (like AO will have) and do we ever see the Earthlings :)</b>

<i>Clover: there is a grand plot in the game which players can participate in and affect, but no one is enforced to do so. As for the earthlings: no comment :-)</i>

<b>How will wars between large factions work? will players be able to have large battles with 200+ players?</b>

<i>Clover: the only restrictions to the number of players in a combat is the number of players that fit in a system

Clover: I can't nail down the exact number, but its larger than we've seen in any other game

Solaris: it is a 3 digit number :)</i>

Corporate Wars eru semsagt MJÖG líklegur kostur. Auk þess sagði Solaris að tala fólks sem kæmist inn í eitt system sé þriggja stafa tölustafur…. *slef* :D

Vonandi hefur þetta varpað smá ljós á hvernig leikur EVE er og mun verða. Mörg umræðuefni hér (eins og multi-corp accounts) eru hér með negld niður og endanlega svarað af CCP. Nú er bara vonandi að CCP fari að taka eftir okkur hérna niðri á Huga….