Hip-hop doyenne's own massively multiplayer (Hnnggh? - Ed) game? No.

Someone really should start writing one of those terrible ‘Science of Star Trek’ books about the astro-physics in computer games, because surely having these great expanses of nebulae has got to cause some kind of ker-azy black-hole based shenigans eventually. And things have taken another step towards the ridiculous with the Icelandic-developed Eve-Onlin, whish has gas-based phenomena of sufficient size to make Freespace's look a little like a flatulent vole. Kinda anyway.
But if we look past this graphical excess - and with how far off we imagine Eve will be, this sort of aesthetic majesty should be expected - we're still left with one of the more interesting massively multi-player games that are on the horizon. Harking back to Elite and the Wing Commander: Privateer eras, you create a character, get a ship then set off into the ether. After the initial trade, trade, trade to gain resources, possibilities widen to include both military and economic routes to success. Of course, the fact that thousands of other players are trying to profit in this universe simultaneously adds that addictive massively multi-player twist. Featuring more than 5,000 worlds, with five warring families - each with their own personality - suitably spacey operatic interactions await.

Ég hef aldrei verið góður í að skilja aðalatriði frá aukaatriðum, svo hér er allt saman. Ég nenni EKKI að skrifa meira núna, svo þið skulið bara greina þetta sjálfir…