Þessa sögu og fleiri eftir Raem Civire er að finna á EVE Library foruminu á www.eve.is , og mæli ég eindregið með því að þið kíkið þangað einhverntíman og lesið þær, en ég hef *oft* fengið gæsahúð við að lesa þær..

En já… sagan… og nei, ég ætla ekki að þýða hana, en njótið vel :)


It seemed like a pleasant dream by now, when the entire community had gathered and each and every one had congratulated him and wished him luck. Maybe it was just a dream.

The long shuttle ride had seemed like eternity. He could still remember the humidity and the heat, the settled dust that rose into the air and cluttered it. The nausea, the smell, the discomfort. But he endured.

Then, his first day. The academy was vast, with long, sweeping hallways and polished walls. He had been ushered into a distant wing inside the monolithic structure along with dozens of other men and women around his age. There, they were stripped and hosed with cold water, and then forced to run and find their quarters naked and wet, where they would find their change of clothes. This was followed by a strict physical regime, where his mind and body was torn down and rebuilt. But he endured.

Then, they transferred him to the Navy. There, he learned of the workings of the gigantic starships, their inner designs and quirks, how to operate them and how to care for them. He learned of the weapons they used, of the modular fitting systems, and the specifics of the hybrid weapons; the marriage of energy and matter to create a devastating projectile, the limitations of the central processing units, the inherent dangers of handling antimatter. He studied day and night, and barely slept. But he endured.

Then, they introduced the pod. They demonstrated how the wires interfaced with the human inside, how the person seemed catatonic while it's mind travelled inside the machine. And they told them that they would, in time, be able to do this. The training was hard and intensive, harder than the physical training he had endured to begin with. Mental conditioning coupled with metapsychosis, and his mind was moulded into something else. They said it was to prevent the dreaded Mindlock. They said it would protect them. He had nightmares and chronic headaches, he developed phobias and felt depression gnaw at his soul. But he endured.

Then, they put him in the pod. They told him to remember his training, that the first time would be instrumental. They told him that he was ready, and they ordered him to step inside the pod. Then, they covered his face with a mask, and put wires into his head. They told him to relax and prepare himself. They closed the pod, and he was alone. But he endured.

Suddenly, the world lit up, and he could see. He could feel the engines and the hull, the gentle humming of the core and he could see through the floating cameras outside. Euphoria rushed over him, and he discovered the sheer joy of flight. And he rejoiced.

They told him to return, and shut down the engines. They opened the pod and removed the cables and mask, and told him to stand up. But his body would not respond, and his voice would not work. And they looked upon him and his lifeless eyes, and they told him that he might not hear them; they did not know. He tried to scream, but he couldn't. He tried to cry, but he couldn't. And they locked him away in a dark room, where he was fed and watered and cared for, and his mind and body withered away under the pressure of time.

But he endured.

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